Our parliamentary work

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Press release |


The European Commission today presented its progress report, assessing Turkey's progress towards EU accession. While the Greens share some of the concerns raised about media freedom, the Kurdish question and relations with Cyprus, there is a greater overriding concern with the standstill in EU-Turke...
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Press release |

CAP reform

The European Commission today presented its legislative proposals on the reform of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. The Greens regret that the proposals have been severely watered-down to meet the demands of change-resistant member states and the agro-industry lobby. Commenting on the proposals,...
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Video |

Women and climate change

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Video |

EU position in UN climate talks in Durban

While EU environment ministers meet to define the EU position for the climatee summit, the Greens believe the EU needs to make a clear commitment to continue with the Kyoto Protocol post-2012 in order to progress the talks towards a comprehensive binding global climate deal.
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Video |

Illegal fishing

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News |

Stop Climate Change Blog

The environment council has adopted its conclusions on the preparations for the UN climate discussions in Durban in December. The Greens consider that the position of the EU should be clearer and more ambitious if it were willing to ensure agreements on the most pressing issues at the end of the year....
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Publication |

EU-Turkey relations

It's now been five years since the EU Member States opened accession negotiations with Turkey. The Greens/EFA group calls on the Member States to maintain their common commitment in the EU-Turkey negotiation process and to come back to a coherent policy vis à vis Turkey
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Press release |

EU rail reform

The European Parliament transport committee today voted on a proposal to revise EU rules on competition in the rail sector. After the vote, Green transport spokesperson Michael Cramer said:"More effective regulation is needed to promote competition and dismantle monopolies in the rail sector, e...
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Press release |

Ukraine - Tymoshenko trial

Commenting on the ruling against former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms and Green MEP Werner Schulz said: "This politically-motivated ruling is a backwards step for the rule of law in the Ukraine and a blow to EU-Ukraine rapprochement. Nobody sh...
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Press release |

Illegal fisheries

The European Parliament fisheries committee today adopted a report by Greens/EFA MEP Isabella Lövin on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The report highlights the particular responsibility of the EU to step up efforts to combat IUU fishing both by pushing for greater international ...