Our parliamentary work

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Video |

Ulrike Lunacek

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© Simon Smith transaction
Press release |

Plaid MEP welcomes transaction tax announcement

Plaid MEP and Party President Jill Evans has welcomed today's announcement by the European Commission of plans to introduce a financial transaction tax in the EU.   Ms Evans has long campaigned for such a tax which it is hoped will be able to curb harmful financial speculation as well as ...
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Press release |

State of the Union

European Commission president Barroso today delivered his 'State of the Union' speech to the European Parliament. In the context of the debate, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "President Barroso correctly sought to head-off those who want to pronounce the demise of the Euro by clea...
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Press release |

EU must step up support for Basque peace process

MEPs from the European Free Alliance Group in the European Parliament have called on the EU to step up its support for the Basque peace process following recent developments. MEPs François Alfonsi (Corsica) and Frieda Brepoels (Flanders) have raised the issue in the European Parliament and both are...
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Press release |

EU economic governance

The European Parliament today voted to adopt a final compromise on the economic governance package of legislation (the so-called 6-Pack) (1). The Greens believe the agreement falls short of providing the economic governance structures Europe needs. After the vote, Green economic affairs spokesperson...
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Press release |

Financial transaction tax

European Commission president Barroso today announced that the Commission has adopted proposals for a financial transaction tax (FTT). The Greens have long advocated the introduction of an FTT both as a means of curbing harmful speculation and as a new source for generating public revenue, and welco...
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Video |

Middle East peace process

Israel has to understand that it is in it's own interest that there be a Palestinian state and that right now leaders like Abbas are irreplaceable. Israel wants talks without pre-conditions, but Israel is changing the conditions on the ground. Hundreds of thousands or Israeli's are opposed to Mr. Netanyahu's policies. Madame Ashton, you …
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Video |

Daniel Cohn-Bendit

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Press release |

Écoles européennes

Le Parlement européen a adopté aujourd'hui un rapport d'initiative sur le système des écoles européennes. Ces écoles, créées en 1957, avaient à l'origine pour vocation de garantir aux enfants des agents des institutions européennes appelés à travailler à l'étranger, l'accès à une éd...
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News |

EU-Moroccan Fisheries Agreement

The European Parliament will have a historic vote to refer the EU-Morocco fisheries agreement to the European Court of Justice. Read why the agreement is wrong and the vote is important...