Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Data privacy (PNR)

The European Parliament today voted to endorse a proposed EU-Australia agreement on the retention of passenger data (PNR). The Greens have condemned the deal for failing to address fundamental rights concerns repeatedly raised by the European Parliament, and voted against in today's vote. After the ...
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Press release |

Sakharov Prize

The winner of the 2011 Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought was today decided at the EP conference of presidents (1). The 2011 prize has been awarded to a group activists representative of the Arab Spring: Asmaa Mahfouz (Egypt), Ahmed al-al-Sanusi Zubair Ahmed (Libya), Razan Zaitouneh (Syria), Ali ...
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Press release |

Corporate tax

The European Parliament today adopted by a large cross-party majority a report by Green draftsman Sven Giegold on a recast of the legislation governing the taxation of distributions from subsidiaries to parent companies (1). The legislation aims to prevent the double (or multiple) taxation of profit...
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Press release |

EU budget 2012

The European Parliament today adopted its position on the EU's 2012 budget, under which an increase of 5.3% is foreseen (1). Given the increased competences of the EU, the Greens are not opposed to an overall budget increase per se, but the group has problems with a number of the budget lines and he...
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Press release |

Tax agreements

EU tax commissioner Semeta highlighted major flaws with the bilateral tax agreements concluded by the UK and Germany with Switzerland at a debate in the European Parliament last night (1). The Greens welcomed his response to an oral question - which underlined problems with the applicable rates of w...
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Publication |


The European Parliament, – having regard to its previous resolutions on Syria, Yemen and Bahrain, in particular that of 7 April 2011 on the situation in Syria, Bahrain and Yemen, – having regard to its resolution of 24 March 2011 on European Union relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council, - h...
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Publication |

Tibet, in particular the self-immolation by nuns and monks

The European Parliament, - having regard to its previous resolutions on China and Tibet, in particular its resolution of 25 November 2010, - having regard to article 36 of the Constitution of the PRC, which guarantees all citizens the right to freedom of religious belief, - having regard to Rule 1...
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Video |

State of play of the negotiations of the EU Council concerning the economic crisis

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Simplifying public procurement would help Welsh businesses

Plaid MEP Jill Evans has welcomed calls by the European Parliament to simplify rules on public procurement to make it easier for small and medium sized businesses to win public sector contracts.   MEPs have been voting today ahead of an EU law due in December to revise publ...
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News |

Stop Climate Change Blog

For some Durban will only be a step in the process of agreeing to a global climate treaty. Yet, it would be wrong to ignore the next COP as many decisions are still needed to steer us away from the worst impacts of the climate crisis...