Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Investment fund rules (UCITS)

  The European Parliament and Council today reached agreement on draft EU legislation on investment funds (the UCITS V directive), a sector that is valued at almost €6.3 trillion. The legislation, which is being shepherded through the European Parliament by Green draftsperson/rapporteur...
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Press release |

Poverty aid

The European Parliament today voted to adopt and confirm an EU funding scheme, which will provide aid to the most deprived persons from 2014-20. The Greens welcomed the outcome on the €3.5 billion scheme, with Green social affairs spokesperson Marije Cornelissen stating:"This new fund will ma...
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Press release |

Car CO2 emissions

The European Parliament today voted to confirm a legislative agreement, revising EU rules on CO2 emissions limits for vehicles for 2020. The final agreement, which was forced through on the insistence of the German government, overturned an earlier agreement, which had been reached to implement a fl...
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Video |

Setback for tackling cars’ climate impact

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Press release |

Economic crisis response

The final report of the European Parliament's inquiry into the role of the EU-ECB-IMF troika was voted by the EP's economic affairs committee this evening. The Greens welcomed the findings of the inquiry, which is critical of the Troika's role, and welcomed the commitment to investigate further duri...
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Press release |

NSA scandal

  The European Parliament's civil liberties and home affairs committee today voted to accept testimony from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in the context of the European Parliament's inquiry into the revelations of mass surveillance by intelligence services. The Greens welcomed the...
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Press release |

Rebecca Harms in Kiev

Commenting on the current events in Ukraine, Rebecca Harms, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European parliament, stated: “Recent events in Ukraine have demonstrated the strength of Ukraine’s civil rights movement and shown how strong the wish is for a new, democratic beginning and justi...
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Publication |

Your Guide to EU Funding

More EU money than ever before is earmarked for sustainable projects and the implementation of these projects requires close involvement of civil society including on local and regional level. This Guide to EU Funding shall help accessing EU funds. Accessing those Funds has often been problematic because of complex procedures and rules, …
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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary include Troika's flawed role under scrutiny, testimony from Edward Snowden to MEPs, tackling cars' climate impact, EU economic governance, aid for the most deprived, railway safety, privacy concerns with eCall vehicle tracking, EU-Switzerland relations, youth unemployment and the youth gua…
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

MEPs welcome ETA disarmament announcement

A number of MEPs who have been supporting moves at EU level to peacefully resolve the conflict in the Basque Country have welcomed today's announcement concerning an independently verified disarmament process. The independent International Verification Commission confirmed in Bilbao that ETA had 's...