Our parliamentary work

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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary include reports on plastic bags, EU seed rules, EU financial supervision, money laundering, genetic resources and benefit sharing, data protection, NSA surveillance and basic rights, greenhouse F-gases, EU climate and energy policy to 2030, shale gas, fracking and environmental impact, nano…
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Press release |

Ukrainian crisis

Commenting on today's extraordinary EU summit on Ukraine, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "This summit has fallen short of what is needed, with lots of lip service but little meaningful solidarity. Despite the nearing Russian fait accompli in Crimea, EU member states are not willing...
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News |

Protection for Snowden

Edward Snowden has shown the world that our privacy is breached intentionally, repeatedly and brutally by the NSA. He is now a wanted man, for the crime of exposing the truth. The European Parliament as a whole will vote on the 12th of March on the report by the Civil Liberties committee into th...
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Press release |

Conflict minerals

The European Commission today presented draft EU legislation on conflict minerals. The Greens expressed regret that the proposals lack ambition and fall short of the comprehensive binding rules on conflict minerals, called for by the European Parliament. Commenting on the proposals, Judith Sargentin...
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Press release |


The Greens have called for an end to the supply of arms and military technology to Russia by EU member states in the context of the Russian intervention in the Crimea. Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated: "The crisis in Ukraine shows that the export of arms and military technology can ...
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Press release |

Climate change

The potential risks of high-carbon, fossil fuel investments by Europe's financial industry were highlighted in a new independent study released today, which was commissioned by the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament (1). Commenting on the study by Profundo and the Sustainable Finance Lab, G...
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Peoples Europe

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Press release |

Airline emissions

An agreement to revise how the aviation sector is included in the EU emissions trading scheme was reached in negotiations between the European Parliament and Council this evening. The Greens hit out at the agreement, which would exclude international aviation from the EU's emissions trading scheme f...
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Video |

TTIP: A major change in US/EU relations

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Press release |


Commenting on the latest situation in Ukraine and the decision by the Russian Duma to clear the way for a military intervention, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "The dramatic escalation by Russia represents a breach of international law, the likes of which has not been seen in Europ...