Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Waste shipments

The European Parliament's environment committee today confirmed a legislative agreement reached with EU governments revising EU rules on waste shipments (1). The Greens welcomed the vote on the legislation, which is being shepherded through parliament by Green MEP Bart Staes, parliament's rapporteur...
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Press release |

Right to water

The European Commission today presented its response to first successful European citizens' initiative on the universal right to water (right2water) (1). The Greens called on the Commission to present concrete proposals in order to ensure the initiative will be truly delivered. Commenting on the com...
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Press release |

Electronic communications

The European Parliament's industry committee today voted on proposed EU legislation on electronic communications (the Single Digital Market package).  The Greens/EFA group expressed concern about the vote, notably its implications for net neutrality. After the vote, Greens/EFA e-communications ...
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Press release |

EU truck size rules/monster trucks

<xml> </xml> The European Parliament's transport committee today voted on proposals from the European Commission on EU rules truck dimensions (Directive 96/53/EC). MEPs voted to postpone a decision on the proposals from the Commission, which would have legalised the cross-border use of e...
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Press release |


Commenting on the outcome of today's Council of EU foreign ministers in response to the referendum held yesterday in the Crimea, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated:"Today's decision by foreign ministers is welcome. Sanctions are the correct response to Russia's actions in the Crimea. ...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include preventing the spread of mega trucks, clamping down on corporate tax evasion, nuclear safety, EU communications legislation and net neutrality, posted workers, waste shipments, honey labels, bee health and GMOs, emissions from global aviation, Ukrainian crisis and the EU's response, right to wate…
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary included the Plastic bags and the environment; Remembering Fukushima; EU seed legislation; EU financial supervision; Money laundering; Genetic resources and benefit sharing; Data protection; NSA surveillance and fundamental rights; Phasing out super greenhouse F-gases; Shale gas, fracking a…
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Press release |

Economic crisis response

The final reports of the European Parliament's inquiry into the role of the EU-ECB-IMF troika were adopted today by MEPs. The Greens welcomed the findings of the inquiry, which is critical of the Troika's role, and welcomed the commitment to investigate further during the next term. Commenting after...
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News |

Martin Schulz's Twittergate

The Greens/EFA group has previously highlighted its concerns about Martin Schulz continuing to remain in office as European Parliament president, whilst concurrently campaigning as the European Socialist candidate for EU Commission president. The first signs of these concerns playing out came last w...
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Video |

Preparations for the European Council meeting (20-21 March 2014)