Our parliamentary work

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Video |

Dessine moi l'Europe

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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Brussels plenary session included Car engine noise; EU nuclear safety rules; Europe's Magnitsky law; Emissions from aviation; Net neutrality; Clinical trials for medicines; outside the Plenary: Putin's Russia: USSR reloaded?; Bee Week 2014
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Video |

Bee action week

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Press release |

Election of the EU Commission President

Commenting on the announcement by the EPP, S&D and ALDE political groups in the European Parliament that they have concluded an agreement on how to decide on the selection of the president of the next European Commission (1), Rebecca Harms, President of the Greens/EFA group, and Monica Frassoni,...
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News |

Launch of the new Bee2Bees Project

WHY DO WE CARE ABOUT BEES? • Bees play a crucial role as pollinators: a third of our foods depend on them (apples, oranges, peaches, pears, all kind of berries, cherries, broccoli, onions, nuts, almonds, etc.). • But bees are in crisis: numbers of domesticated honeybees as well as wild bees (...
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Press release |

European Parliament

The European Parliament today voted on the discharge of its 2012 budget. The Greens strongly criticised a last-minute unilateral decision by EP president Schulz to strike out a section of the report adopted by the EP's committee on budgetary control (1), which was critical of the president for faili...
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Press release |

EU audit rules

 The European Parliament today voted on the revision of EU audit rules. The Greens hit out at the outcome, which will fail to tackle conflicts of interest in the audit sector and will fail to tackle the dominant position of the 'big four' audit firms. After the vote, Green legal affairs spokesp...
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Press release |

Electronic communications

The European Parliament today voted on proposed EU legislation on electronic communications (the Single Digital Market package).  The Greens/EFA group welcomed the outcome of the vote, which redressed some concerning provisions for the principle of net neutrality. After the vote, Greens/EFA e-c...
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Press release |

Airline emissions

An agreement to revise how the aviation sector is included in the EU emissions trading scheme was today endorsed by the European Parliament. The Greens hit out at the agreement, which would prolong the exclusion of international aviation from the EU's emissions trading scheme for 4 extra years. Comm...
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Press release |

Nuclear safety

The European Parliament today voted on proposals by EU energy commissioner Oettinger to revise EU rules on nuclear safety. The Greens criticised the outcome of the vote, which merely confirmed the legal process chosen by the Commission, excluding the European Parliament from co-deciding on the legis...