Our parliamentary work

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Press release |


Commenting in the context of the Geneva talks on the situation in Ukraine and following the adoption of a resolution on the situation in Ukraine by the European Parliament, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated: "Expectations are low for the Geneva talks but the stakes could not be highe...
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Press release |

Waste shipments

The European Parliament today confirmed a legislative agreement revising EU rules on waste shipments. The Greens welcomed the vote on the legislation, which is being shepherded through parliament by Green MEP Bart Staes, parliament's rapporteur/draftsman. The new rules will strengthen controls on wa...
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News |

Food and feed law:

There is currently an extensive set of European rules to prevent, eliminate or reduce risk to human, animal or plants health along the food chain. To ensure that these rules are enforced by the Member States in a harmonised manner, a legislative framework for the organisation of official controls wa...
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Video |

Reducing the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags

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Video |

Green Corner: What we need to stop Climate Change

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Video |

Euro taboo

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News |

Grand majority of Parliament votes in favor of a regulation on investor-state lawsuits

Investor-state dispute settlement ( ISDS ) has come into the focus of critics since the start of negotiations on a free trade agreement with the US (TTIP). ISDS means that foreign investors can sue the states hosting their investments in front of international courts when they see their rights and p...
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Press release |

Rescuing refugees at sea

The European Parliament today voted to confirm new EU legislation governing sea missions by FRONTEX, the EU's border management agency. The Greens acknowledged some improvements in the new rules but expressed concern that it will still fail to offer full protection to refugees. After the vote, Green...
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Press release |

EU rules on posted workers

The European Parliament today voted to endorse a final agreement on EU legislation on the enforcement of EU rules on posted workers. The Greens welcomed the new rules, with employment and social affairs spokesperson Elisabeth Schroedter stating:"This new legislation is an important step forward...
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Press release |

Plastic waste

The European Parliament today voted on new EU legislation aimed at reducing the use of single-use plastic carrier bags. The Greens welcomed the outcome, which would significantly strengthen proposals from the European Commission, with Green MEP Margrete Auken, the parliament's rapporteur/draftsperso...