Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

European election night

When: 25 May from 19.00 Where: European Parliament hemicycle, passerelle (passageway between the PHS and ASP buildings, 3rd floor) and room 4B001 (PHS building) With: Greens/EFA MEPs - Ska Keller, co-leading candidate of the European Green Party, Bas Eickhout, vice-president of the Greens/EFA group,...
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Press release |

State aid rules

The European Commission today presented proposals to revise EU rules on state aid, notably regarding general exemptions. Commenting on the proposals, Green industry policy spokesperson Reinhard Bütikofer said: “The proposals from the Commission on general exemptions to EU state aid rules fall sho...
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Press release |

Energy security

A conference on a European energy security strategy is being hosted today by EU commission president Barroso and energy commissioner Oettinger. At the conference, Polish prime minister Tusk is expected to outline his proposals for a European energy union. Commenting ahead of the conference, Greens/E...
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News |

GMO (In)digest

EU Work: New GMO video animation from the Greens/EFA group in the EP The group has created a new animated video called “You don't want GMOs in Europe? Neither do we.” that shows how important it is to vote for a GMO-free EU at the upcoming EU elections. It is very short (less than a minute), in...
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Press release |

EU-US trade agreement (TTIP)

A few hours after the arrest of hundreds of environmental campaigners in Brussels yesterday during a protest against the free trade agreement with the USA (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and with public resistance continuing to grow, the EU Member States decided the same day to refu...
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Press release |

Mining tragedy in Turkey

Following the accident at the Soma mine in Turkey, Rebecca Harms, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, and Hélène Flautre MEP, Greens/EFA Chair of the European Parliament Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee, said:   “It is with great sadn...
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Press release |

ECJ ruling

The European Court of Justice today ruled that search engine operators such as Google are responsible for the personal data they process and that affected individuals are entitled to request erasure of their details from the search index. Commenting on this ruling, Jan Philipp Albrecht, justice...
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Press release |

After the referendum in Eastern Ukraine

Commenting on yesterday's referendum in Eastern Ukraine, Rebecca Harms, President of the Green/EFA group today said:"The results of this undemocratic and unfair referendum do not signify the division of Ukraine. The vote took place in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk under very questionable c...
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News |

Energy Union

The current situation in Ukraine demonstrates once again the EU’s dependence on fossil fuel imports to feed its economies. As with the situation five years ago, the EU has been taken hostage by its biggest supplier, as Russia plays its joker card named "fuels". With this as background, P...
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Press release |

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Representatives of the EU Member States today decided to nominate food industry lobbyists to the Management Board of EFSA, the EU’s Food Safety Authority.  Commenting on these nominations, José Bové, Greens/EFA MEP and Vice-Chair of the agriculture committee, stated:  “This decisio...