Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Green economy

The European Commission today presented a package on the green economy and green job creation in Europe. The Greens welcomed the Commission’s recognition of the need and the job potential of sustainably transforming our economy but regretted the lack of concrete proposals in the plan. Commenting o...
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Press release |

European Parliament

Greens/EFA MEP Ulrike Lunacek (Austria) was today elected vice-president of the European Parliament. After the vote, Ulrike Lunacek stated:"I am honoured by the trust shown in me by MEPs today. As made clear in my campaign, there is a need to rebuild public trust in an...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

New EFA Group of MEPs gets to work

The new EFA (European Free Alliance) Group of MEPs has met in Strasbourg for the first time at the start of the new legislative term of the European Parliament. The European Free Alliance (EFA) Group in the European Parliament currently includes representatives from Scotland, Catalonia, Wales, Valen...
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Press release |

Renewable energy

The European Court of Justice today ruled to uphold the provisions of EU legislation on renewable energy, notably on the prerogative of national renewable energy support schemes. Commenting on the decision in the Aland case, Green energy spokesperson Claude Turmes stated: "We welcome today's de...
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Press release |

European Parliament presidency

Commenting on the election of Martin Schulz as president of the European Parliament for the first half of the legislative term, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: “The Greens/EFA group congratulates Martin Schulz on his re-election as European Parliament president...
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Press release |

EU summit

Commenting on the outcome of today's summit of EU heads of state and government, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: "At last, the EU can move on from the controversy over Jean-Claude Juncker. It is certainly welcome to have a pro-European candidate, who is comm...
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Video |

Democracy is about choices

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News |

EP Presidency

  We need a real choice for the European Parliament's presidency. The President for the coming two and half years of the European Parliament's legislative term should be chosen by MEPs in an open and transparent process. The European Parliament must not simply be presented with a dea...
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Press release |

European Parliament presidency

The Greens/EFA group today unanimously nominated Austrian Green MEP Ulrike Lunacek as candidate for the presidency of the European Parliament*. Speaking after the vote, Ulrike Lunacek said: “My decision to run as a candidate for the post of European Parliament president has been prompted by the sh...
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Press release |

EU summit

EU heads of state and government are set to decide on who they will nominate as candidate for president of the European Commission at their summit this week (26-27 June). The summit is also expected to include discussion of the other top posts in the EU institutions. Setting out the Green position a...