Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Macedonian dispute

The European Parliament today adopted a report outlining its position on the stalled EU accession progress of the FYRO Macedonia. The Greens welcomed the adoption of the report and, in particular, a Green amendment seeking to clarify the long-running dispute over the country's name. Commenting after...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the situation in Ukraine. Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "The European Parliament today made a clear appeal for a peaceful and political solution in Ukraine and for the EU to do all in its power to ens...
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Press release |

Food labelling

A motion tabled by the Greens to reject new rules proposed by the European Commission on origin labelling for meat was endorsed in a European Parliament vote today. The Greens welcomed the outcome and called on the Commission to come forward with new and more comprehensive proposals, with Green food...
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Press release |

Banking resolution

The European Parliament today voted on draft EU legislation on the creation of single mechanism for banking resolution, with a large majority of MEPs endorsing the position of the EP's economic and monetary affairs committee. The Greens welcomed the outcome and called on EU governments to give way o...
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Video |

Alleged pushbacks off the coast of Greece

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Video |

Situation in Ukraine

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© Udo Weber
Greening the streets  © Udo Weber
Publication |

A Green Review

During this five-year term, Greens/EFA have been the driving force to promote crisis resilience through social justice, to secure our climate and energy future, to fight for a healthy environment, to defend human rights, social, democratic and digital rights, to promote global solidarity and security and to celebrate cultural diversity in…
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Press release |

Arms trade

The European Parliament today voted to give the go-ahead for EU member states to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty. Commenting after the vote, Green foreign affairs and security spokesperson Tarja Cronberg stated: "This new arms control regime is an instrument which serves security, peace and disarm...
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Press release |

Employment and migrants rights

The European Parliament today voted on EU legislation on seasonal workers. The Greens welcomed the outcome, which sets out new EU provisions on the rights of seasonal workers from non-EU countries. Commenting after the vote, Green migration and employment policy spokesperson Jean Lambert said: &quo...
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Press release |

EU climate and energy policy

The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out the EP's position in the debate on the EU's climate and energy policy to 2030. The Greens welcomed the support for binding EU climate and energy targets for 2030, coming just weeks after the Commission presented proposals lacking in ambition...