Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Arms exports

The European Parliament's foreign affairs committee yesterday evening adopted a report setting out its assessment of how EU rules on arms exports are being implemented. Commenting after the vote, Green MEP Bodil Valero, who is the European Parliament's rapporteur/draftsperson for the report, said: ...
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Press release |

EP tax investigation

The mandate of the European Parliament's special committee investigating tax issues should be extended, according to the coordinators of the political groups, who took the decision today. The conference of presidents of the political groups will now consider the proposal on Thursday, following the i...
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Press release |

Paris attacks

Common statement by the co-presidents of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts, and the co-chairs of the European Green Party, Reinhard Bütikofer and Monica Frassoni: “We were shocked when we heard of the terrible terrorist attack against the people ...
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Press release |

Car emissions scandal

Commenting on the latest revelation that the European Commission had evidence in 2011 already that car manufacturers were using illegal manipulation to avoid complying with EU pollutant limits for vehicles (1), Green environment spokesperson and vice-president Bas Eickhout said: "The Europea...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

Scotland’s place in the UK’s EU Renegotiations

As the UK Government seeks to renegotiate the UK's EU membership, SNP President Ian Hudghton MEP hosted a press briefing at the European Parliament in Brussels on Scotland's place in the UK's EU Renegotiations. He was joined by SNP Europe Spokesperson Stephen Gethins MP. Mr Hudghton emphasised that...
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Press release |

Toxic substances

The European Food Safety Authority today issued its re-evaluation of the controversial substance glyphosate, which is used as a herbicide, ahead of a decision by the European Commission next year on whether to reapprove glyphosate for use in the EU.  The EFSA opinion, which recommends reapprova...
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Video |

The European Parliament's tax investigations must continue

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Press release |

European election law

The European Parliament today voted on proposals to reform EU rules governing European elections. After the vote, Greens/EFA vice-president Josep Maria Terricabras said:"MEPs have today missed an opportunity to constructively reform EU electoral law. With citizens' engagement in the EU politica...
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Video |

European Semester package

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Welcome for EU guidelines on Israel settlements in Palestine

Alyn Smith MEP, Scottish member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, welcomed today (Wednesday) the release of the EU guidelines on the import of produce from illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, but said they should be improved and extended to...