Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

EU copyright and online content rules

The European Commission today presented a 'communication' setting out its plans for reforming EU copyright rules, as well as a legislative proposal on the portability of legally acquired digital content. Commenting on the proposals, Greens/EFA vice-president and copyright spokesperson Julia Reda sai...
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Video |

Room of manoeuvre for Cañete

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Video |

COP21/ 4 days to go

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News |

EU Financial Transaction Tax

That's the short way to describe the financial transaction tax (FTT), a small levy on financial transactions such as shares, bonds and derivatives, whose supporters can't wait to see 11 pioneer European countries implement it and finally deliver on their promises. Today's meeting of EU finance ministers is a great step towards making this…
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News |

EU boardroom quotas for women

Not voting can have serious consequences. Especially when a majority is needed in the European Council. EU ministers could not agree on Monday on a new rules on EU boardroom quotas for women. The vote was canceled and the proposal is now practically dead. The Dutch government has already announced t...
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Press release |

Aviation sector

The European Commission today presented its 'aviation strategy', setting out proposals for the adapting the rules governing the aviation sector in Europe. Commenting on the proposals, Green transport spokesperson Keith Taylor said: "This strategy paper has again revealed the myopic focus of the...
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News |

World soil day

Soil is a living ecosystem. Soil health has a direct impact on human health, farmers work and climate change. But soil is under threat today. We lose an estimated 24 billion tons of fertile soil each year due to erosion.
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News |

The Circular Economy Package

An opinion article by Jean Lambert and Davor Skrlec, Green MEPs The new Circular Economy Package is a step back for Europe. In a European Union with levels of unemployment at around 11%, youth unemployment at over 20% and with 24% of the population either at risk of poverty or social exclusion...
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News |

Unhappy meal

"McDonald's pays a significant amount of corporate tax across Europe". This is what Irene Yates, Vice President for Corporate Tax of McDonald's Europe told the European Parliament on November 16 when invited to comment on her companies' tax planning strategies. McDonalds may repeat it over...
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Video |

European Ombudsman inquiry concerning Frontex