Our parliamentary work

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European Citizens' Initiative

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Press release |

Car pollution

EU governments today approved a new testing procedure for car pollutant emissions under the EU's so-called 'comitology' regulatory process (1). While the test is being described as a 'real driving emissions' test, it would include loopholes allowing cars which exceed the pollutan...
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Press release |

Structural and cohesion policy

The European Parliament today adopted a report on EU structural and investment funds (1). The report sets out the EP's position on a proposal by the European Commission to directly link EU member states' macroeconomic stability with the payment of EU Cohesion Funds. Commenting on the outcome of vote...
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Press release |

European Citizens' Initiative

The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out its opinion on the European Citizens' Initiative and how it can be improved. Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA vice-president Josep Maria Terricabras said: "The European Parliament has today voted to strengthen the European Citizens...
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Press release |

Air quality

The European Parliament today voted on a proposal to revise EU air quality legislation, setting out national limits on a range of air pollutants. The proposal strengthens the existing rules and extends the limits until 2030. Commenting after the vote, Green environment spokesperson Bas Eickhout said...
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Press release |

GMO authorisation

The European Parliament today voted to reject a proposal by the European Commission for a new scheme under which EU member states could opt out of EU authorisations for genetically-modified food and feed (1). After the vote, Green food safety spokesperson Bart Staes said: “The European Parliament...
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Video |

Commission Work Programme 2016

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU must be more than a cartel on tax competition

One year on from the Luxleaks revelations which prompted an investigation into 'tax ruling' deals granted to multinational companies in EU member states, the European Parliament has today finally voted on a series of recommendations. Catalan MEP Ernest Maragall is a member of the European Parliament...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Welcoming migrants will help Europe lead in the world

Responding to today's debate on migration in the European Parliament, Catalan MEP Ernest Maragall said that welcoming migrants could help Europe lead in the world. MEP Ernest Maragall The MEP pointed out that nations such as the USA, Canada and Australia, which have welcomed migrants are leaders in ...
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News |

Novel Foods

Novel food is defined as food that has not been consumed to a significant degree by humans in the EU prior to 1997, when the first Regulation on novel food came into force. For the Greens/EFA, this weak definition should be improved.