Our parliamentary work

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Women refugees urgently in need

According to UNHCR, women and children account for 55% of those reaching Greece to seek asylum in the EU since the beginning of 2016. On this year´s International Women´s Day, we lay a symbolic flower on the unnamed and floating graves of the women who died trying to reach Europe, in hope of a be...
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Video |

Anniversary of Fukushima Disaster

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Video |

Request of statement regarding human rights situation in Turkey

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Press release |

Nuclear reactor in Fessenheim

The German media today revealed today for the first time that a very serious incident occurred at the Fessenheim nuclear plant in France in 2014. Commenting on the revelation and the implications, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms said:"This serious nuclear incident in Fessenheim, which wa...
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Press release |

Refugee crisis/Turkey summit

Ahead of this Monday's EU-Turkey summit on the refugee crisis, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts said: "It is clear that the EU must cooperate with Turkey and President Erdogan in order to solve the refugee crisis but EU governments cannot simply abdicate their own re...
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News |

Nuclear is not the solution to our energy needs

The ‘Alliance of Regions for Phasing out Nuclear Power across Europe’ signed a declaration opposing a pro-nuclear path for Europe's energy policy and called on the EU to fully embrace the energy transition.
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Video |

Privacy Shield

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Video |

Green Jobs in the Fashion Industry

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Sebastià comments on dieselgate scandal

As the European Parliament begins its inquiry today into the car emissions scandal, Greens/EFA MEP, Jordi Sebastià called for more transparency and for Europe to learn the lessons. MEP Jordi Sebastià Sebastià this week organised an exchange of views in the European Parliament with Vicente Franco....
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Press release |

Refugee crisis

The European Commission today announced the provision €700 million in EU funds over three years to support EU member states in tackling humanitarian crises, notably with regard to the acute situation in Greece. Commenting on the announcement, Green migration spokesperson Judith Sargentini said: &q...