Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Refugee crisis

The EU-Turkey agreement to return refugees in Greece to Turkey, which has been implemented since Monday, will be discussed in the European Parliament's civil liberties and home affairs committee today. Ahead of the debate, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "The situation regarding the...
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News |

Trade Secrets

In many of the biggest political scandals of the past months – Luxleaks, Dieselgate and now the Panama Papers – we saw trade secret laws abused as a shield against investigation and exposure of how corporations are harming the public good, avoiding taxes and endangering public safety. Whistleblowers find themselves fighting for their free…
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Press release |

EU asylum policy

The European Commission today presented its proposals for reforming the EU's asylum system. Commenting on the proposals, Green migration spokesperson Jean Lambert said: "The unravelling chaos in Greece and Turkey has underlined for the umpteenth time that a comprehensive European solution to th...
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Press release |

EU nuclear industry analysis

The European Commission today presented a paper setting out its analysis on the future of nuclear power in Europe (the Community Nuclear Illustrative Programme - PINC). It is the first paper of its kind by the Juncker Commission and the first since the Fukushima accident in Japan. The Greens critic...
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Press release |

Tax avoidance/money laundering

In response to the Panama Leaks revelations, which showed wealthy individuals and firms channel funds through offshore firms to avoid paying taxes, the Greens have called for an immediate response at EU level. Commenting on the findings and their implications, Green tax spokesperson Sven Giegold sai...
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News |

Tax transparency

This may look like a bad April Fools' Day joke, but it's not. According to a leaked document obtained by Politico on 21st of March, the European Commission plans to (finally) launch an initiative for greater corporate tax transparency... except it contains many loopholes that risk undermining the whole project.
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Video |

NSA-Massenüberwachung: Jan Albrecht interviewt Filmemacher Friedrich Moser

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Video |

Jan Albrecht interviews US whistleblower Bill Binney

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News |

Brussels attacks

Our thoughts are with all those affected by the senseless attacks in Brussels. We must defend our values, whilst confronting this terrorism
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Publication |

EU-Turkey deal - main concerns and alternatives