Our parliamentary work

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Video |

World Press Freedom Day - The Greens/EFA message

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Video |

Comment on the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements

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News |

General Expenditure Allowance

Today the plenary of the European Parliament adopted a demand for full transparency of the General Expenditure Allowance - the 4,320 EUR that Members of the European Parliament receive each month to cover their office costs. Voting on the Discharge of the European Parliament, Benedek Jávor, the sh...
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Greens push the European Investment Bank to clean up its act!

Citizens and activists working on transparency and accountability issues tend to follow one simple rule: "Follow the Money"! However, this is not just because we want to know how public money is being spent; it is because money really matters. Money equals power. That's why it's so impor...
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Financial benchmarks

The Greens/EFA group today voted against the proposed Regulation of financial benchmarks, which was adopted by a large majority of MEPs.
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Press release |

Rail sector

The European Parliament today adopted new EU legislation setting out rules governing the rail sector in Europe. The 'technical pillar' of 4th Railway Package, sets out rules governing the rail sector in Europe, notably as regards  safety, interoperability and the strengthening of the European R...
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Make the digital single market inclusive!

The Juncker Commission placed the completion of the Digital Single Market (DSM) as one of its ten priorities. However, the current approach of the European Commission is way too narrow.
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Press release |


Commenting on the latest developments regarding the Greek bailout programme, Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts said: "The renewed posturing on the implementation of Greece's bailout programme is a worrying distraction from the persistent deterioration of the Greek economy. The decision ...
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Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

  GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY     Glyphosate: Will the Commission finally listen to the call to end glyphosate use? Unfair trading practices in food supply chain: The "New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition" A threat to local populations in Afric...
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Voraussichtlich am 18./19.5. werden die EU-Mitgliedsländer darüber abstimmen, ob und unter welchen Bedingungen sie einer Neuzulassung von Glyphosat zustimmen. Die Europäische Kommission hatte die ursprünglich für Anfang März geplante Abstimmung verschoben, da die Zulassung zu diesem Zeitpunkt...