Our parliamentary work

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News |

European Commission reforms Expert Groups

The European Commission adopted new rules to increase the transparency of its expert groups, which give expert advice that shapes the very first drafts of EU laws. This follows a high-level political commitment made by Juncker to improve the transparency of the EU institutions when he first took office.
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Video |

Tapping into the job creation potential of the green economy

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News |

Has the G7 learned its lesson?

The G7 club of industrialised nations met this week in Japan against a backdrop of economic gloom, geopolitical tension and rising concerns on climate change. Despite being viewed by many as remote and undemocratic, the G7 meetings are still seen as politically important, which explains the masses...
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News |

Lost in Translation

Today, unfortunately, the controversial Trade Secrets directive was formally adopted by the Council, but only after several delays due to disagreements over how specifically to translate a key provision in the text: the word "wrongdoing".
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Palestinian flag
Palestinian flag
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Demolishing Palestine - Israel's demolition policies

Greens/EFA MEP Jordi Sebastià together with colleagues from the GUE/NGL group organised a hearing at the European Parliament in Brussels to consider the impact of Israel's demolition policies in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. It was reported that whilst damage to EU funded projects in the occup...
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Press release |

EU-US 'Privacy Shield' data exchange

 The European Parliament will today debate the proposed 'Privacy Shield' framework for the transfer of the private data of EU citizens to the US, ahead of a vote on a resolution setting out parliament's position tomorrow. In the context of the debate and vote, Green home affairs and data protec...
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Press release |

Digital Single Market

Commenting on today's presentation of an 'anti-geoblocking package' as part of the European Commission's Digital Single Market initiative, Greens/EFA digital agenda spokesperson Julia Reda said: "The proposed 'anti-geoblocking' regulation doesn't do what it says on the tin. When most Europeans ...
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Press release |


Commenting on the outcome of the Eurogroup meeting on the Greek bailout programme, Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts said: "We welcome the decision to release a new tranche of rescue loans to Greece, which is essential to stanch the persistent deterioration of the Greek economy. However...
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Video |

Comment on the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements

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Publication |

Mandate of the Panama Inquiry Committee