Our parliamentary work

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News |

Paris Agreement’s ratification

With the European Commission's proposal to ratify the Paris Agreement early, it is time for the EU Council to ensure the European Union doesn't get left behind.
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Press release |

Conflict minerals

The European Parliament and Council today reached a political agreement on a new EU regulation aimed at tackling the problem of conflict minerals by introducing transparency provisions. Commenting on the outcome, Green development spokesperson Judith Sargentini said: “This deal is a breakthrough i...
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News |

Greens/EFA launch public consultation

What's your opinion on whistle-blower protection? We want to hear from you. Have your say through our online public consultation.
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Flickr: Fotos_von_Carlos CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
parking cars
Publication |

Draft speakers and subjects for EMIS hearings

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Publication |

Answers to questions Faster IT

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Publication |

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Borgeest - answers to the questions

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Publication |

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) responses to questions

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Publication |

Questions to Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.

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Press release |

Refugee resettlement

The European Commission today presented proposals to reinstate transfers of asylum seekers to Greece under the Dublin asylum system, as well as presenting updates on progress under the EU’s resettlement and relocation scheme and the EU-Turkey agreement. Responding to the Commission proposals, Gree...
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Press release |

Toxic substances

The European Commission today presented long-delayed proposals, setting out scientific criteria to address the problem of chemical substances that interfere with the endocrine system (1). The Greens hit out at the proposals, with Green environment and health spokesperson Bas Eickhout stating: "...