Our parliamentary work

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News |

Urgent Call for a Peaceful Resolution to the Humanitarian Situation in Sur District of Diyarbakir

The historical district of Sur in Diyarbakir has been under curfew since December 11 last year. The infrastructure has been largely destroyed by shelling. An estimated 200 people are still trapped in the basements, including 15 children under 10 years of age and an unknown number of wounded peop...
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Video |

Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 18 and 19 February 2016

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Public Domain
Middle East geographic
Press release |

Saudi Arabia

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution including a call for an EU-wide arms embargo against Saudi Arabia until alleged breaches of international humanitarian law in Yemen have been fully investigated. MEPs supported the inclusion of the amendment proposed by the Greens/EFA group in a re...
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Publication |

The Green Alternative to the Dublin System

This paper aims to outline our vision for a Green alternative to the Dublin system. The Dublin system has been dysfunctional for years at great human and financial cost. It has effectively collapsed in the context of the current 'refugee crisis'.
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Press release |

Toxic substances

The European Commission is proposing the reapproval of the controversial substance glyphosate, which is used as a herbicide among other applications, for use in the EU for a further 15 years. The draft implementing act, which was made available to the European Parliament today, foresees the reappro...
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Press release |

Public health

The European Commission today released its long awaited assessment of an agreement between tobacco companies and the EU. With the PMI agreement set to expire this year (1), the assessment is part of Commission deliberations on whether to renew the agreement before July. The Greens argue that the agr...
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News |

New breeding techniques

A lot of thought usually goes into choosing a name for new products, especially when it comes to breeding methods and seeds.  For example, in the 1990's, when the big chemical companies decided to sell their new seeds that had been  genetically modified using transgenesis (what we now kno...
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News |

EU budget

Pascal Durand, Greens/EFA MEP, explains why he was forced to vote against his own report on the Council's budget accountability.
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Press release |

Corporate tax avoidance

The European Parliament's special committee investigating corporate tax avoidance agreed on an outline for its work over the coming months, at a meeting of the coordinators from the different political groups. The committee will hold a new series of hearings and has invited prominent multinationals,...
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Press release |

EU referendum

Commenting following the conclusion of the EU summit and David Cameron's announcement to hold the UK's EU referendum on 23 June, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: "Now that we know the date of the UK referendum on its membership of the EU, it is time for the ...