

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Data protection

Justice and home affairs ministers, meeting in Council today and tomorrow, will decide on the opening of negotiations with the US and other third countries on agreements for the exchange of data for security purposes and a general data protection agreement with the US (1). Ahead of the decisions, Gr...
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Press release |

EU traffic rules

EU transport ministers today reached an agreement on new EU legislation on the cross-border enforcement of traffic rules. This agreement will now be subject to negotiations with the European Parliament. The Greens regretted that the agreed rules were not more effective and urged MEPs to work to stre...
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Press release |

UE - Proche Orient

La députée Verts/ ALE (Europe-Ecologie- les Verts) Nicole Kiil-Nielsen revient de Gaza et de Cisjordanie dans le cadre d'une délégation officielle du Parlement européen : "La situation dans la Bande de Gaza est Intolérable et explosive." "Avec l'appui des autorités Égyptiennes...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Transport rights

An agreement was hurriedly forced through by the European Parliament and Council last night on new EU rules setting out rights for bus passengers (1). Green MEPs expressed disappointment with the deal, which falls far short of guaranteeing necessary rights for bus passenger. Commenting on the outcom...
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Press release |


Iranian woman Khadijeh Jahed, known as "Shahla" (1), was executed by hanging this morning in Tehran. Commenting on the hanging, Green MEP and chair of the European Parliament's Iran delegation, Barbara Lochbihler said: "The hanging of Khadijeh Jahed is an act of inhumane and cruel pun...
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Press release |

EU chemicals rules (REACH)

An important stage in the implementation of landmark EU chemicals legislation (REACH) was reached today: from now on, chemicals manufacturers will only be allowed to continue selling the vast majority of chemicals if they have provided the necessary safety data (1). Green MEPs welcomed the deadline ...
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Press release |


The European Parliament's trade committee today voted on a proposal to revise EU rules on export credit agencies (1). The Greens welcomed the outcome, which would address some of the flaws in the current system. After the vote, French Green and EP draftsperson (rapporteur) Yannick Jadot said: "...
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Publication |

The UNFCCC talks in Cancún

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change meets in Cancún from 29 November -10 December 2010 with a view to making concrete progress towards reaching an international post 2012 climate agreement. This document is a summary of Green demands for Cancún meeting in the key political areas.
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Press release |

European Citizens' Initiative

The European Parliament's constitutional affairs committee today adopted a legislative report aimed at enacting the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), as provided for under the Lisbon Treaty. The Greens welcomed the unanimous vote, which clearly improves the ECI as compared with the original propo...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

EU External Action Service

The European External Action Service will officially start work on 1 December, one year after the Lisbon Treaty came into force and the start of Catherine Ashton's term as high representative. Commenting on this occasion, Franziska Brantner, Greens/EFA foreign affairs co-spokesperson, said: "Th...