

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Video |

Conclusions of the European Council meeting

European Council and Commission statements - Conclusions of the European Council meeting on 16-17 December
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Video |

European Council meeting

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Press release |

Energy efficiency

The European Parliament today adopted the Bendtsen report, outlining the EP position on the upcoming EU energy efficiency action plan. The Greens welcomed the report, notably the inclusion of the long-standing Green demand to make the EU's 2020 energy savings target binding. After the vote, Green ME...
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Press release |

European Citizens' Initiative

The European Parliament today adopted a legislative compromise on the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) with an overwhelming majority. The Greens/EFA group welcomed the vote, which paves the way for the entry into force of this crucial democratic tool from 2012 on. After the vote, Green MEP and co...
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Press release |

EU budget

The European Parliament today voted to adopt the broad headings of the EU budget for 2011, as agreed with the Council but a vote on the key issues of budget 'flexibility' and ITER was earlier postponed until the new year. The Greens are critical of a vague declaration from the EU presidency on the f...
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Press release |

Eurozone crisis, EU summit and Eurobonds

Ahead of this week's EU summit, the European Parliament debated the Eurozone crisis and the EU response today. The Greens are concerned that the proposed permanent stability mechanism will come far too late and that we need urgent action, including on debt restructuring and 'Eurobonds', to respond t...
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Publication |

Who's who

European voters responded by making the Greens/EFA group a big winner of the 2009 European elections. As the European Parliament reduced in size from 785 to 736 members, the Greens/EFA Group was the only political group to grow: from 43 to 55 members. These 55 Members – 29 women and 26 men – co...
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Video |

Trüpel and Jedrzejewska : Budget 2011

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Video |

Better than expected outcome at Cancun

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Press release |

Human trafficking

The European Parliament today voted to adopt a legislative compromise, setting out new EU rules on the prevention of human trafficking and victim rights. The Greens welcomed the compromise but regretted the legislation was not stronger in terms of victim protection. After the vote, Green MEP and civ...