

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

European Citizens' Initiative

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Press release |

Peace Nobel Prize 2010

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Event |

How to guarantee that human rights become a core cross-cutting issue of the EU external and internal policies?

The seminar with experts will try to provide some answers to questions such as : how to reinforce the credibility of the EU Human Rights Policy in international fora? Is there a future for a strong EU Human Rights Strategy within the European External Action Service?
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Press release |

Migrant workers rights

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Publication |

CAP reform 2013 - Green growth or Green deal?

Greens want a common agricultural and rural policy which enhances the engagement of citizens for environmental protection, animal welfare and fair trade; which recognises the right of farmers and rural workers to gain a decent income for producing healthy food and environmental stewardship they provide to society
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Video |

Opening remarks COP 16 Cancun

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Event |

Future of Cohesion Policy

This workshop aims to get input from stakeholders on the future of EU cohesion policy. The EU Commission recently outlined its plans on future priorities for and reform of EU cohesion policy in the 5th Cohesion Report. The Greens want to introduce the concept of GDP plus as an indicator for future regional development and want greener str…
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Press release |

EU-Russia Summit

Commenting on the results of the EU-Russia Summit, Green MEP Werner Schulz, First Vice-Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, said: "The Summit has brought about some possible progress: Russia wants to enter the WTO and in this, it can rely on the EU's sup...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Highlights for the Greens include the UN climate talks in Cancun and a Commission proposal on pricing in the dairy sector. Priorities in the EP include the ongoing saga of the EU budget for 2011.
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Press release |

The impact of the 2010 Nobel Peace prize on EU-China relations

Three days before the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Liu Xiaobo, the Greens/EFA together with the other speakers will reiterate their demand for his immediate release and insist that High Representative Catherine Ashton does not yield to pressure from the Chinese government and travels to Oslo on 10 December.