

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Sakharov Prize

The European Parliament has awarded this year's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Nadia Murad and Lamiya Aji Bashar.
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Press release |

Rules of procedure

The European Parliament has today amended the Parliament's Rules of Procedure. The Greens/EFA group has secured a series of measures to improve transparency, including those adopted from a report from Pascal Durand, which will see an enhanced check of potential conflicts of interests for Comm...
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Installing Roof Solar Panels
Publication |

Job Creation in a Post-Growth Economy

The study examines the relationships between jobs, GDP and energy consumption over the years and to check how far we went with energy efficiency. It also lays the foundations of a green macroeconomic model which allowed us to estimate the impact of innovative measures such as working time reduction and green taxation on energy.
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News |

Appeals procedure against whistleblowers Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet as well as journalist Edouard Perrin

We, whistleblowers and Members of the European Parliament, express our solidarity with the LuxLeaks whistleblowers Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet, as well as the journalist, Edouard Perrin, who all served the public interest by shedding light on illegal tax avoidance schemes in Europe. Retalia...
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Press release |


The European Commission has announced its intention to gradually resume the transfer of refugees to Greece under the Dublin system. Commenting on the announcement, Greens/EFA migration policy spokesperson, Ska Keller said: "With the EU having so far met only 5% of its target for relocating ref...
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News |

Anti Corruption Day 2016

Today is International Anti Corruption day, a UN sponsored day that aims to raise awareness and call for action in the fight against corruption. Last year, we published a series of proposals for how ethics, transparency and integrity needed to be improved in the EU institutions, as well as a list of ways in which we were working to achiev…
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News |

Tax shopping

 The countdown to Christmas is well underway and for most of us, December is the month of shopping fever. While you are wondering what to get Grandma for this special day (and praying you won’t get that ugly pullover again this year), others have been tax shopping. And this is a much less...
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Press release |

Corporate Tax Avoidance

The Greens/EFA group has today presented a report on the tax avoidance strategies of Inditex, the Spanish based owner behind clothes retailer Zara (1). Research commissioned by the group shows that Inditex avoided at least €585 million in taxes for the period 2011-2014, by using aggressive avoidan...
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Event |

The health scandal behind the use of pesticides in agriculture

WATCH THE EVENT LIVE Simultaneous interpretation available in: FR, ES, DE, EN 9h30 Introductory speech: José Bové (5min) 9h35 - 10h40 PANEL n°1 - How to break silence as a victim of pesticides in the agri food chain  Moderation: José Bové&...
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Press release |


The European Commission has today launched infringement proceedings against seven EU Member States. The states are accused of having failed to set up a system of sanctions for car companies that installed prohibited software in their vehicles in order to cheat emission tests. This sanction system is...