

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Europe needs to reaffirm its commitment to solidarity in response to Trump's travel ban

The decision by President Donald Trump to suspend the US refugee programme will cause tremendous harm to refugees and do nothing to address national security issues. In response, “we need to make our European Union stronger,” says Greens/EFA co-president, Ska Keller.
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CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 mammal
Euro coins
Press release |

Progress on executive pay, but not on taxes

The European Parliament’s legal affairs committee has approved the final agreement with the Council on the revised directive on shareholders' rights. We are pleased to have ensured greater transparency on executive pay, but progress remains stalled on measures to ensure tax justice.
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News |

The revolving door phenomenon is a systemic issue that must be urgently addressed

Whilst the revolving door phenomenon is neither new nor unique to Brussels, the latest research by Transparency International Europe has highlighted a dramatic lack of regulation in the European Parliament and serious under-regulation in the European Commission when it comes to revolving doors.
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News |

Electricity price scandal in the Spanish state

Scandalously high electricity prices in the Spanish state have been highlighted by Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya MEPs Josep-Maria Terricabras and Jordi Solé in a written question to the European Commission.   MEPs Josep-Maria Terricabras & Jordi Solé Electricity p...
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©ferran pons
corn field©ferran pons
News |

GMO cultivation

Today, the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed, voted on draft regulations for the cultivation in the EU of two GM maize varieties (Bt11 and 1507) and the renewal of one further variety (Mon 810).
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News |

30 Years Erasmus

The European student exchange programme, Erasmus, turns 30 this year! Since 1987, almost 10 million people gained experiences in another European country.
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Press release |

New gun controls will improve public safety

The European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee has approved the revised Firearms Directive, which will improve security measures on gun control.
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Press release |

Green MEP appointed Chair of the Transport Committee

The European Parliament's Transport Committee has appointed its Chair for the next two and a half years. The French Green MEP Karima Delli, who has been a member of the committee since 2014, was elected chair and takes over the position from Green MEP Michael Cramer.
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©Jainav 46
Press release |

New regulation will help protect public interest in the financial sector

The European Parliament’s Economy committee has backed a report from Greens/EFA rapporteur Philippe Lamberts. It will ensure greater financial stability for Finance Watch and Better Finance, who represent the public interest in financial regulation.
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Press release |

EU-Libya migration deal has wrong focus

The European Commission has announced proposals for preventing refugees from travelling to the EU from Libya. Instead of focusing on keeping refugees out of the EU, the Commission should be ensuring they have safe passage and their human rights respected.