

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |


This week has seen a series of meetings between Greek government officials and representatives of the institutions as part of the second bailout review negotiations. These talks take place ahead of the Eurogroup meeting of 5 December, where discussions on an agreement on the restructuring of Greek p...
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© texasmary
23591.biodiversity and forests
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EU nature legislation

The Birds and Habitats Directives form the cornerstones of the EU’s legislative framework on nature conservation and are making a major contribution to halting the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
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Publication |

Labour market reforms

Greens urge the European Commission to refrain from contributing to proposals for Greece that run counter to the European social model and avoid making debt relief measures conditional upon reforms that bring Greece further away rather than closer to the rest of Europe
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Press release |

Conflicts of Interest

The European Parliament has today approved by a large majority the report by Greens/EFA MEP Pascal Durand on the declarations of interests of European Commissioners. The report is a reaction to multiple ethics scandals in the European Commission, which the Parliament has so far had little powers to uncover or prevent.
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News |

European Parliament adopts new measures to control conflicts of interest in the European Commission

It’s almost as if the European Commission is trying its hardest to shoot itself in the foot. The list of ethical scandals just keeps growing: Cañete, de Gucht, Kroes, Barroso, Oettinger.
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News |

Time to get tough on money laundering crimes

What is the link between Russian President Vladimir Putin’s best friend, the international football player Lionel Messi, and Andrew M., an American citizen suspected of running a child prostitution network? At first glance, not much. But they all appear in the Panama Papers.  All three – an...
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CC 0
EU briefcase
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EFA President in Brexit talks

President of the EFA Group in the European Parliament Josep-Maria Terricabras is taking part in the first of a series of exchanges of view on the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union. Josep-Maria Terricabras Today's meeting and exchange of views with the European Commiss...
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News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY Public health- The Parliament says no to herbicides with bentazone Glyphosate: the European Court of Justice rules for transparency on access to information on chemicals GMO cultivation, not here not anywhere
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Press release |

Commission's Winter Package

The European Commission has today presented its Winter Package, containing a series of legislative proposals on the future energy policy of the European Union. The proposals fall far short of what will be needed to match the ambitions agreed under the Paris Agreement.
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News |

European Parliament moves forward on transparency of decision-making and impact of lobbyists

After much insistence and plenty of reminders from the Greens/EFA group, the European Parliament has finally put into place an official mechanism that allows Members of the European Parliament to publish a list of the interest groups or lobby organisations that they met with in the context of a particular report or piece of legislation.