

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Video |

Opening remarks COP 16 Cancun

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News |

Brussels Agenda

Highlights for the Greens include the UN climate talks in Cancun and a Commission proposal on pricing in the dairy sector. Priorities in the EP include the ongoing saga of the EU budget for 2011.
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Press release |

EU traffic rules

EU transport ministers today reached an agreement on new EU legislation on the cross-border enforcement of traffic rules. This agreement will now be subject to negotiations with the European Parliament. The Greens regretted that the agreed rules were not more effective and urged MEPs to work to stre...
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Press release |

Transport rights

An agreement was hurriedly forced through by the European Parliament and Council last night on new EU rules setting out rights for bus passengers (1). Green MEPs expressed disappointment with the deal, which falls far short of guaranteeing necessary rights for bus passenger. Commenting on the outcom...
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Publication |

The UNFCCC talks in Cancún

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change meets in Cancún from 29 November -10 December 2010 with a view to making concrete progress towards reaching an international post 2012 climate agreement. This document is a summary of Green demands for Cancún meeting in the key political areas.
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News |

The End of the Road at ICCAT

ICCAT is over for another year and the diplomats have gone home. The entire meeting lasted for nine days and there were no serious discussions on the bluefin fishery on the floor of the meeting until the afternoon of the last day. ICCAT failed spectacularly to salvage its honour on bluefin tuna.
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Press release |

International fisheries talks (ICCAT)

The annual meeting of ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) ended today in Paris after intense, clandestine negotiations. The Greens criticised the outcome on bluefin tuna, with the talks agreeing a total allowable catch far higher than that necessary to protect the species from collapse.
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News |

Brussels Agenda

There are important legislative votes in the EP committees this week, including on human trafficking, the European Citizens' Initiative and export credit agencies. The UN climate summit in Cancun also kicks off.
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

e-fa News Round-Up November 2010

The European Free Alliance (EFA) draws together political parties fighting for democracy and self-determination for the stateless nations and regions of Europe. European Free Alliance MEPs sit in a European parliamentary group with the Greens, making up the fourth largest group in the European parli...
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Video |

International Trade Policy in the context of Climate Change imperatives

Author - International Trade Policy in the context of Climate Change imperatives