

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Resource efficiency and raw materials

The European Commission today presented its 'flagship' communication on resource efficiency. The Greens welcomed the general rhetoric but expressed regret at the lack of clear targets. Commenting on the communication, Green MEP Bas Eickhout said: "It is certainly welcome that the Commission wan...
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Press release |

EU Arctic policy

The European Parliament today adopted a report (Gahler) on a sustainable EU policy for the High North. The Greens welcomed the report, which calls for a de facto moratorium on the exploitation of Arctic resources for the time being. After the vote, Greens/EFA shadow draftsperson Indrek Tarand (Eston...
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Press release |

Patients' rights

The European Parliament today adopted a final legislative compromise on new EU rules on access and rights to cross-border healthcare (1). Green MEPs broadly welcomed the legislation as striking the right balance. After the vote Dutch Green MEP and Greens/EFA shadow draftsperson (rapporteur) on th...
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Video |

EU-Cameroon forest law agreement

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Publication |

A different vision for Europe

At the outset of the Hungarian presidency of the European Union, the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament together with their Green partner in Hungary, LMP (Lehet Más a Politika -Politics can be different) present their contribution on the Priorities of the Hungarian Presidency.
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Event |

The Green Deal for reforming the CAP

The conference aims to anticipate and discuss the coming reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. The conference, which will be opened by EU agriculture commissioner Dacian Ciolos with a keynote speech, will seek to stimulate a wider debate with all interested stakeholders.
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Press release |

European economic semester

The European Commission today presented its first Annual Growth Survey at the start of the new 'European Semester', part of the new EU economic governance architecture. Green MEPs criticised the recommendations of the Commission for their narrow focus on austerity and failure to outline measures for...
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Publication |

Exchange of views with the President of the European Council

The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament met with European Council President Herman Van Rompuy on Tuesday 11 January to discuss his role as President thus far. Group Co-Presidents Rebecca Harms and Daniel Cohn-Bendit introduced Mr. Van Rompuy and chaired a lively discussion between him and a packed audience of Greens/EFA members a…
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

e-fa News Round-Up December 2010

The European Free Alliance (EFA) draws together political parties fighting for democracy and self-determination for the stateless nations and regions of Europe. European Free Alliance MEPs sit in a European parliamentary group with the Greens, making up the fourth largest group in the European parli...
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Publication |

Who should have the right to fish?

Marine resources are a public good, not a private resource. The right to exploit those resources, therefore, should be allocated according to criteria that ensure that fishing contributes as far as possible to the public interest. Greens think that the right to fish should be based on environmental and social criteria.