

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Video |


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Event |

Climate meets biodiversity

This public conference will examine the global environment diplomacy and the role of the EU and deal with the biodiversity and climate synergies. Can Europe make a difference at Nagoya and Cancun? This is one of the questions that will be debated on this occasion.
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News |

Brussels Agenda

A ban on offshore drilling and biodiversity top the agenda for the parliament's plenary, while the Commission is expected to present a communication on a financial transaction tax. There are also a number of Greens/EFA events.
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Video |

"No to austerity - Priority on jobs and growth"

The Greens joined with workers from across Europe - as part of the wider European Day of Action - to protest against the austerity measures recently adopted by many European countries and calling for investment in employment creation
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Press release |

Austerity demonstration

Green MEPs will take part in the Euro-demonstration against austerity measures in Brussels today, as part of the wider European Day of Action (1). The Greens will join with workers from across Europe to protest against the austerity measures recently adopted by many European countries and calling fo...
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Press release |

Roma expulsions

The European Commission today announced that it is taking the first steps towards an infringement procedure against France for contravening EU rules on freedom of movement, with their treatment of Roma people. The Greens welcomed the Commission's belated action but expressed regret that the Commissi...
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Press release |

MEPs protest against cuts

MEPs from the European Free Alliance Group in the European Parliament have taken part in today's major protest march in Brussels against the social consequences of austerity measures in force across Europe. Oriol Junqueras (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) and Jill Evans (Plaid Cymru - The Party o...
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Press release |

Van CO2 emissions

The European Parliament environment committee today voted on proposed new EU legislation to limit CO2 emissions from light commercial vehicles (vans). Green MEPs criticised the vote, which weakened an already weak proposal from the European Commission in a number of key areas. After the vote, Greens...
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Press release |

Public health

The European Parliament environment committee today voted on proposed new EU legislation dealing with information on prescription medicines. The Greens welcomed the vote, which transformed the original legislative proposal and tailored it to the needs of patients, rather than the pharma industry. Af...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

A busy week with crucial EP committee votes on van emissions rules, prescription medication and the setting up of the EU external action service. Outside the EP, economic and financial issues will be high on the agenda of the Council and Commission, with the Commission also due to report on Roma discrimination.