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Legal Affairs - Shale gas

As a report in the Environment committee on the environmental impacts of shale gas makes it way through the European Parliament, two other committees, Development and Legal Affairs, voted on their own opinions on the report today. In both cases, Green MEPs drafted the opinions and negotiated them through choppy political waters before the…
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Reindustrialising Europe the GREEN way

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Fair play in football and in politics!

Green MEPs Rebecca Harms and Werner Schulz demonstrate with 50 activists during a football match in Ukraine on the occasion of the European Championship 2012. They show their solidarity with Timoschenko and all political prisoners
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Lobbies produce too much electronic waste

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Latest developments in the Middle East, including the situation in Syria

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Negotiations on the UN Arms Trade Treaty

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Legal basis of the Schengen evaluation mechanism

With EU governments seeking to dismantle the EU's Schengen border-free, and trying to exclude the European Parliament from the decision-making, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms slams the EU's Danish presidency for its role in the process
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Scheme of generalised tariff preferences

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50 reasons to reject ACTA

With the European Parliament set to decide on the fate of the controversial ACTA anti-counterfeiting agreement, Green MEPs set out the reasons why they believe the parliament should vote to withhold its consent and reject the agreement. With your help we have put together 50 reasons to reject ACTA. See the video and join the anti-ACTA…