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Stolen land stolen future

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Kickstart social Europe: Beyond austerity

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Illegal fishing

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Hello Democracy, Goodbye ACTA

After many years of campaigning by the Greens, the ACTA agreement was finally rejected by the European Parliament. It is a victory for the Citizens of Europe who contacted their MEPs, signed the petitions and marched in the streets. The Greens/EFA group will continue keep a close eye on developments, keep citizens informed and fight for …
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Conclusions of the European Council meeting (28-29 June 2012)

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Kickstart social Europe: Beyond austerity

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EU summit

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Another road for Europe

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An Emerging e-Fortress Europe?

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INTA Committee vote against ACTA

Final vote in International Trade Committee (INTA) Centre-Right EPP and ECR Groups fail to have vote postponed. Final vote goes ahead, in public, and Trade committee recommends rejection of ACTA! There is hope! After the trade committee vote to recommend rejection of ACTA, the final plenary vote will take place in Strasbourg during …