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Why do we need a Green New Deal?

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Energy efficiency rules

The European Parliament energy committee voted on new EU legislation on energy efficiency and savings. Green rapporteur welcomes the strongest message ever sent by the Parliament on energy efficiency
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Social aspects of EU economic policies

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Food aid for the most vulnerable persons

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Rebecca Harms

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Preparation for the European Council meeting

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ACT on ACTA say NO

Greens/EFA MEPs demonstrated today against ACTA (The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) in Strasbourg as pressure builds on the European Parliament to take action. The Group has long campaigned on the agreement, alarmed at the lack of transparency surrounding negotiations and will do everything it can in the coming weeks to convince MEP…
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one year after 3/11

View the full programme here...
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The situation in Hungary

The Greens were disappointed yesterday by the the remarks of Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics in a hearing with Commissioner Neelie Kroes. In an ignorant if not scandalous reply to a clear demand from the Commissioner to request an opinion of the Council of Europe on the Hungarian media legislation, Tibor Navracsics tried …
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Iran and its nuclear programme