Our parliamentary work

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Video |

Situation of the Roma people in Europe

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Video |

Draft general budget - 2011 financial year

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Video |

ECOFIN Council

Conclusions of the special ECOFIN Council meeting of 7 September
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Press release |

Ecofin council

Tomorrow (7th September 2010), EU finance ministers will meet at the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) in Brussels to discuss the issue of financial sector taxation. As well as coordinating the establishment of a bank levy, the ministers will also discuss the introduction of a European...
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Publication |

Situation of the Roma people in Europe

Greens/EFA urge the French authorities to immediately suspend all expulsions of Roma and underline that these measures are in violation of EU Treaties and law, since they amount to a discrimination on the basis of race and ethnicity and of Directive 2004/38/EC on the free movement of citizens and of their families in the EU.
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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Priorities for the coming week include the EP debates on the State of the Union and on the situation of the Roma.
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Press release |

Roma expulsions

An analysis by the European Commission, which was reported today, has underlined concerns that the current expulsions of Roma by France are in conflict with European law. For the Greens, the French government must immediately stop these appalling expulsions and bring itself back in line with European law.
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Press release |

EU financial supervision

European Parliament negotiators have reached a provisional deal with the Council on legislation setting out a new EU financial architecture in trialogue negotiations today. The legislation, which will now be formally adopted by the Parliament in the coming weeks, will set up three new European Super...
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Video |

(Trans)Gender Equality?

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Press release |

International Criminal Court

Commenting on reports, that Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir will travel to Kenya today, Heidi Hautala, President of the Sub-Committee for Human Rights of the European Parliament, said: "According to information I have received, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir will be travelling to Kenya tod...