Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

ACTA – anti-counterfeiting deal

The European Commission today briefed MEPs on the current situation in the negotiations on an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) at a debate in the European Parliament plenary session. In the context of the debate, German Green MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht said: "Pressure from the European ...
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Press release |

Animal testing legislation

MEPs from the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament have criticised new EU laws on animal testing for not going far enough. The European Parliament today adopted a compromise proposal revising EU legislation on the use of animals in scientific testing and experiments. Greens/EFA MEPs voted aga...
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Press release |

Employment guidelines

The European Parliament today adopted its annual report on the employment guidelines. Following the vote, Danish Green MEP Emilie Turunen said: "The report adopted today is a landmark for the EU's employment guidelines. MEPs have voted to include a proper social component to the guidelines for ...
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Video |

Animal Protection

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Press release |

State of the Union

Greens/EFA co-president Dany Cohn-Bendit responds to the speech of EU Commission president Barroso on the "State of the Union".
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Green jobs

The European Parliament today adopted a report on the jobs potential of the sustainable economy by German Green draftsperson/rapporteur Elisabeth Schroedter. Speaking after the vote, Elisabeth Schroedter said: "The Greens have long advocated that Europe commit to a true Green New Deal, speeding...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Food prices and farm revenues

The European Parliament today adopted a report on fair revenues for farmers and a better functioning of the food supply chain. The report, by Greens/EFA draftsman/rapporteur José Bové, calls on the Commission to introduce measures to combat the distorting effect of market concentration and abuse o...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Roma expulsions

The European Parliament today debated the current Roma expulsions in France and the targeting of Roma elsewhere (1) with the European Commission. Green MEPs were critical of the European Commission's response to the situation. French Green MEP Hélène Flautre said: "The scandalous situation in...
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Barroso the "absent president" of the EU Commission