Our parliamentary work

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Free Trade Agreements

Free Trade Agreements always have serious consequences for domestic European policy and economy. As negotiations continue on the EU India FTA, Greens are particularly concerned about its effects on an emerging economy with huge pockets of poverty.
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UN Climate summit

With the high level discussions underway, the atmosphere at the UN climate summit is getting more and more tense. There is growing frustration among green NGOs regarding the position of the US, which continues to delay any positive development on several key aspects of the negotiations.
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Kick coal out of CDM

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Video |

Durban- COP17

Governments are again talking about talking in Durban despite all the warnings coming from scientists and now the IEA that time is running out to keep global warming below 2 degrees. The EU and the US are lobbying in opposite directions and the outcome is frustrating.
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  The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled yesterday that Greece has breached an earlier deal with Macedonia, when it blocked Skopje’s bid to join NATO in 2008, because of the dispute over the country’s name. The Greens welcomed the ruling and maintain that bilateral disputes should ...
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Elections in Russia

Following the elections to the Russian State Duma on the 4th December, Vladimir Putin's "United Russia" party lost its two-thirds majority in the parliament and around 12 Million of its previous voters. Commenting on the results, Green MEP and member of the foreign affairs committee Wern...
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Durban- COP17

The EU must show developing countries how serious it is about Climate change by signing up to a second commitment period before tThe Kyoto protocol comes to an end in 2012. But this is not enough. The EU must also get its own house in order and remove the loopholes surrounding hot air.
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Video |

Durban- COP17

Bas Eickhout gives the first report from the second week of the International Climate talks in Durban as negotiations heat up with the arrival of ministers. There have been some interesting movements from China that the EU can respond to, and hope that this can put more pressure on India and the US.
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Press release |

ITER nuclear fusion

The European Parliament's budget committee is today set to approve a deal reached between EP negotiators and the Council on how to meet €1.3 billion in additional funding requirements for the ITER nuclear fusion project under the EU budget (1). The Greens have hit out at the deal, which will see m...