Our parliamentary work

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Video |

Durban- COP17

The Kyoto protocol is the only legally binding instrument that we have to help fight Climate Change. The EU must join these campaigners and developing countries and fight for a second commitment period! See our blog for the most up to date reports and videos from Durban
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Publication |

EU-Russia Summit in Brussels on 14/15 December 2011

The European Parliament, –     having regard to its previous resolutions on Russia with regard, in particular, to the one on the on the conclusions of the on the EU-Russia Summit in Nizhny Novgorod on 9-10 June 2011, the one on Preparations for the Russian State Duma elections...
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News |

EU summit

This week's EU summit, the latest in a seemingly never-ending cycle of 'crisis summits', is being billed by many as the last chance saloon for the Euro. If that is the case, the portents are not good, with Monday's Merkozy meeting having served up another package of half-measures as the basis for ag...
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Video |

Kyoto Protocol

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Video |

The role of Europe in Durban

We're in the final days of negotiations and the role of the Eu is again unclear. We have two probems: Internal divisions and lack of diplomatic coopertion with other groups such as the African Union and Latin America. A good result is still possible, but time is not on our side.
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Video |

Situation in Iran

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Video |

Durban- COP17

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Video |

Durban- COP17

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News |

Blog from Durban

Yesterday was even more hectic than the day before, the state of negotiations and the positions of parties going back and forth. Several of us in Durban had the same dream last night ...
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Press release |

European social entrepreneurship funds

The European Commission today adopted a proposal on social entrepreneurship funds. Commenting on the proposal, Green finance spokesperson and shadow rapporteur on this legislative file Sven Giegold said: "These proposals lay the foundations for the recognition and promotion of the social and...