Our parliamentary work

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Sonia Guajajara - Thumbnail
Sonia Guajajara - Thumbnail
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Sônia Guajajara, our Sakharov Prize nominee

Sônia Guajajara is a brave human rights defender from Brazil and our Sakharov Prize nominee. She fights for the rights of Indigenous peoples and for the protection of the Amazonia forest.
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Press release |

Greens/EFA welcome windfall tax & call for an embargo on Russian fossil fuels

The Greens/EFA Group welcomes today's EU Energy Ministers agreement on a windfall tax for excess profits from energy companies. The Greens/EFA Group call for a fair distribution of revenues from the windfall tax, an embargo on fossil fuels and uranium imports from Russia, a common EU-wide energy purchasing platform, support for households…
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Photo European Parliament
Picture of the hemicycle in Strasbourg
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Plenary Flash - 3-6 October 2022

On the agenda for the plenary session: energy prices and cost of living, rule of law conditionality regulation in the case of Hungary, common charger for electronic devices, repression of women's rights protesters in Iran, Ocean Governance and the protection of biodiversity
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(50) "files/assets/imgs/list/amazon_forest_thumbnail.png" ["title"]=> string(35) "Amazon Forest in Danger - Thumbnail" ["alt"]=> string(35) "Amazon Forest in Danger - Thumbnail" ["copyright"]=> string(35) "Amazon Forest in Danger - Thumbnail" ["updated_at"]=> int(1665481815) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "e1d88bad8e2305018cb484ba7a5714dd.png" ["fname"]=> string(27) "Amazon Forest_Thumbnail.png" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "" ["list"]=> string(51) "" ["photo"]=> string(52) "" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "" } }
Amazon Forest in Danger - Thumbnail
Amazon Forest in Danger - Thumbnail
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The Amazon Forest is in Danger

Deforestation rates are skyrocketing in Brazil under current President Bolsonaro. Indigenous people's livelihoods are being destroyed, their land invaded. This is not only fuelled by Bolsonaro’s devastating policies but the EU also needs to take responsibility for what is happening.
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Press release |

EU Directive on Minimum Income is needed

The European Commission published recommendations on Minimum Income Schemes (MIS). The Greens/EFA Group welcomes the initiative of the Commission, but reiterates that we need an EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Income to ensure everyone has the financial resources to live a life in dignity.
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© Colonel
Voting box
Press release |

EFA statement on the Italian elections results

Italy has voted for its most far-right Government since World War II. Giorgia Meloni from Fratelli D'Italia (ECR) is set to become the next Italian Prime Minister.
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Press release |

Greens/EFA MEPs will attend EuroPride in Belgrade

This weekend, EuroPride 2022 is scheduled to take place in Belgrade, Serbia. Greens/EFA Members of the European Parliament Terry Reintke, Kira-Marie Peter-Hansen, Kim van Sparrentak and Thomas Waitz, will travel to Belgrade to participate in the LGBTIQ+ festival.
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European Parliament Building Strasbourg © European Union 2022 - Source : EP
European Parliament Building Strasbourg © European Union 2022 - Source : EP
News |

Debriefing of the September plenary session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included the State of the European Union, the Renewable Energy Directive, the Directive on adequate Minimum Wages, Rule of law in Hungary, the Deforestation Regulation and Ska Keller stepping down as Greens/EFA President.
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News |

EFA Piernicola Pedicini on the deficiencies of the Regional policy

Piernicola Pedicini intervened at plenary today to highlight the impact the regional policy has had on Italy.
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Press release |

EFA Group statement on the departure of Ska Keller

Last night Ska Keller MEP announced she would be stepping down as President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament.