Our parliamentary work

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Europe needs a unified approach to assist refugees

Catalan MEP and President of the EFA Group in the European Parliament, Josep-Maria Terricabras, together with a delegation from PEN International, a worldwide writers association dedicated to freedom of expression, have presented a manifesto for the protection of refugees in Europe, to Martin Schulz...
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Publication |

Commemoration of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide

Tabled by Tamás Meszerics, Rebecca Harms, Heidi Hautala, Ulrike Lunacek, Michele Rivasi, Peter Eriksson, Bart Staes, Ernest Urtasun, Barbara Lochbihler, Indrek Tarand, Tatjana Zdanoka, Davor Skrlec, Bart Staes, Bodil Ceballos; Helga Truepel on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament,...
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Press release |

Google antitrust case

Commenting on the antitrust procedure launched by the European Commission today against Google, Green competition spokesperson Michel Reimon said: “There can be little doubt that Google abuses its dominant market position, so it was high time for the Commission to formally act on this. The drawn o...
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Press release |

Mediterranean refugee tragedy

Following the capsizing of a boat carrying refugees in the Mediterranean on Monday, which is believed to have led to up to 400 deaths, the Greens have called for a European sea rescue programme, financed by EU member states. Green migration spokesperson Judith Sargentini said: "The scale of thi...
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Video |

Impact of TTIP regulatory cooperation proposals on food policies

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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

MEPs take part in EFA party General Assembly

Several MEPs from the Euopean Free Alliance (EFA) Group in the European Parliament, including its President, Josep-Maria Terricabras from Catalunya and Jordi Sebastià from the Valencian Countries, will take part in the annual General Assembly of the European Free Alliance European Political Party i...
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Press release |

Conflict minerals

The European Parliament's trade committee today voted on draft EU legislation aimed at preventing conflict minerals through supply chain transparency. The vote improved the original draft law proposed by the Commission by creating binding transparency rules rather than a voluntary scheme. Howev...
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Press release |

Biofuels, land use and climate

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted to endorse an agreement reached between the Parliament and EU governments on new EU rules on biofuels. The rules had aimed at curbing the negative impact on the climate associated with indirect land use change (ILUC) due to biofuel producti...
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News |

TTIP and sustainable food production: water and fire?

The currently negotiated and disputed free trade agreement (TTIP) between the EU and US could have deep impacts on how we produce our food. Even if there are not many policy areas that have a more direct impact on people and the planet, this was one of the issues that were largely left out in the TTIP-debate. That is why the Greens-Efa gr…
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Video |

Muhammad Yunus meets the Greens