Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Money market funds

The European Parliament today voted on draft new EU rules on money market funds. The Greens hit out at the vote, which would lead to weaker rules on these sensitive funds, which function like shadow banks. After the vote, Green MEP and financial affairs spokesperson Eva Joly stated: “MEPs have tod...
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Press release |

Youth employment

The European Parliament today approved a proposal to increase the initial pre-financing amount of the European Youth Employment Initiative (1). After the vote, Green employment and youth spokesperson Terry Reintke said: "This will give a welcome boost to the Youth Employment Initiative and hop...
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Publication |

Situation of the Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria

Tabled by Alyn Smith, Karima Delli, Margrete Auken, Bart Staes, Davor Škrlec, Ernest Urtasun, Barbara Lochbihler, Michèle Rivasi, Heidi Hautala, Judith Sargentini, Igor Šoltes, Klaus Buchner on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group The European Parliament, –    having regard to its previ...
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Publication |

Imprisonment of human and workers' right activists in Algeria

Tabled by Barbara Lochbihler, Davor Škrlec, Ernest Urtasun, Alyn Smith, Heidi Hautala, Judith Sargentini on behalf of the Greens/EFA group The European Parliament, -        having regard to its previous resolutions on Algeria, in particular of 9 June 2005 co...
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Publication |

Case of Nadiya Savchenko

Tabled by Rebecca Harms, Michèle Rivasi, Davor Škrlec, Helga Trüpel, Indrek Tarand, Bart Staes, Bronis Ropė, Heidi Hautala on behalf of the Greens/EFA group  The European Parliament, -   having regard to its previous resolutions on Russia and Ukraine, in particular its resolution on th...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

EFA MEPs: Migrant Lives Matter

EFA MEPs have taken part in a demonstration outside the European Parliament in Strasbourg calling for a more humane EU approach to migration, following the recent tragedies in the Mediterranean. Ian Hudghton, Josep-Maria Terricabras, Jill Evans and Ernest Maragall were among those taking part. Acti...
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Press release |

Counter-terrorism and security

The European Commission today presented its proposals for a European strategy for security and counter-terrorism. Commenting on the proposals, Green civil liberties and home affairs spokesperson Judith Sargentini said: "The Commission's predictable focus on mass data collection is disappointing...
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Press release |

Fisheries discards

The European Parliament today voted to adopt new implementing rules to the 'landing obligation' under the revised EU Common Fisheries Policy. The 'landing obligation' had been heralded as ending the controversial and wasteful practice of fisheries discards but the new rules adopted today will fundam...
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Press release |

Plastic bags

The European Parliament today voted to give final approval to new EU rules to reduce plastic bag use. The new rules oblige EU governments to adopt measures to drastically reduce the use of single-use plastic carrier bags. Commenting after the vote, Green MEP Margrete Auken, the European Parliament's...
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Press release |

Biofuels, land use and climate

The European Parliament voted to approve new EU rules on biofuels. The rules had originally aimed at curbing the negative impact on the climate associated with indirect land use change (ILUC) due to biofuel production and the problems associated with fuel crops but the Greens expressed concern that ...