Our parliamentary work

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Publication |

European asylum strategy

European citizens are demonstrating an unprecedented level of solidarity with refugees.  They show that compassion and protecting those in need must remain at the heart of European action. On the other hand, most European governments are displaying an embarrassing lack of solidarity, insuffic...
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Press release |

Middle East peace process

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the EU's role in the Middle East peace process. After the vote, Green foreign policy spokesperson Tamas Meszerics stated: "The European Parliament has today called for the EU to play a more active role in the Middle East peace process. MEPs ...
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Press release |

Refugee crisis

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the refugee crisis with a large majority. Commenting after the vote, Green asylum and migration spokesperson Judith Sargentini said: "The European Parliament has delivered a strong signal in support of binding EU measures in response to the ...
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Press release |


Commenting on the developing situation in Turkey, with a wave of attacks on the pro-Kurdish HDP party and a clampdown on the press, Greens/EFA president Rebecca Harms said: "The growing violence in Turkey is alarming and threatens the stability of the country, with civil war a real prospect. EU...
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News |

Greens call for stronger recommendations to fight corporate tax avoidance in Europe

On September 7th, the European Parliament's Special Committee on Tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect (TAXE) met for a first discussion on its draft report. After the Luxleaks scandal in November 2014, the Greens called for the creation of an inquiry committee in order to inve...
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Video |

State of the Union

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Video |

State of the Union

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Press release |

Refugee crisis

The European Parliament today debated the refugee crisis, ahead of a meeting of EU home affairs ministers on 14 September and proposals from the EU Commission on a redistribution scheme for refugees. Commenting on the refugee crisis in the context of the State of the Union debate, Greens/EFA co-pres...
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News |

Cloning for farming purposes

The European Parliament's environment and food safety and agriculture committees today voted on draft EU legislation on the cloning of animals. The Greens welcomed the vote since they have always opposed to cloning of animals. Read the reasons why
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Publication |

Human rights in Azerbaijan

Tabled by Ulrike Lunacek, Heidi Hautala, Rebecca Harms, Tamás Meszerics, Molly Scott Cato, Michèle Rivasi, Barbara Lochbihler, Jordi Sebastià, Igor Šoltes, Helga Trüpel, Davor Škrlec on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group. The European Parliament, -     having regard to its prev...