Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Hungary/refugee crisis

The Greens/EFA group has called on the European Commission to investigate the package of new laws on asylum, which were adopted in Hungary over the past week. In a letter to Commission president Juncker, the group has highlighted concerns that the laws are in conflict with EU law and has called on ...
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Press release |

Refugee crisis

Commenting ahead of today's council of EU home affairs ministers on the refugee crisis, Green asylum and migration spokesperson Ska Keller, who was the European Parliament's rapporteur/draftsperson on the original redistribution scheme, said: "The persistent prevarication and squabbling between...
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Press release |

Car pollution rules

The European Parliament's environment committee will tomorrow vote on a draft law, updating the EU's Euro 5/6 regulation limiting pollution from road vehicles. The vote takes place amidst revelations that the US Environmental Protection Agency is fining German car manufacturer Volkswagen for...
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Video |

Exchange of view with ECOFIN Council Presidency

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News |

President Jean-Claude Juncker is making a farce of the fight against tax avoidance

It was a long-awaited and well-attended hearing of the European Parliament Special Committee on tax rulings (TAXE) which took place last week. It is indeed not every day that the President of the European Commission himself, Jean-Claude Juncker and two Commissioners visit our committee to discuss t...
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Publication |

The refugee crisis and the EU - A Green response

INTRODUCTION Greens have long argued for an effective Common European Asylum System (CEAS) which would respond to the needs of those seeking sanctuary. This should ensure that wherever they may claim asylum in the EU, their application will be dealt with fairly and should have a similar outcome; tha...
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News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY Animal Cloning: to be worth it the new legislation must include a ban on food from descendants of clones Ongoing Agriculture crisis: Chronicle of a disaster foretold FOOD FOR THOUGHT Sounds from Science Workshop - Discussions reveals big gaps in EFSA GMO's risk as...
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Video |

Europe v Facebook

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Video |

TAXE committee - Exchange of views with Juncker, Moscovici and Vestager

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Video |

European Mobility week launch event