Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

EU-US Privacy Shield

<xml> </xml> The European Commission today adopted the 'Privacy Shield' framework for the transfer of personal data of EU citizens to the US. Commenting on the adoption, Green home affairs and data protection spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht stated: "The Commission has today signed...
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Panama Papers: European Parliament kicks off its investigation

The biggest tax scandal of all time – involving both politicians and well-known figures, and triggering a range of investigations – deserved the highest possible response from the European Parliament. That is exactly what the Greens called for immediately after the Panama Papers revelations and what was finally approved at the beginning o…
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Urgent reforms to Commission's Revolving Door rules necessary following Barroso's move to Goldman Sachs

The previous President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, who was in the job for 10 years, has been head-hunted by Goldman Sachs to become their chair and advisor and to lead the way on their behalf during the Brexit negotiations.
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Greens/EFA Round up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary included: Energy labels and a common sense A-G system; Human trafficking and EU external relations; UK referendum aftermath; Diverting development aid to military purposes; Revising money laundering rules and tackling tax avoidance; Controversial EU-Canada trade deal ratification; EU border…
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News |

Secretive accountability?

Next week, on Tuesday 12th July, EU Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete is set to appear before the European Parliament's legal affairs committee to respond to EU Parliamentarians' (MEPs) questions about his impartiality and independence, following a series of questionable revelations that have cast doubts upon his integrity.
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News |

Final report on Luxleaks

When the Luxleaks scandal broke 18 months ago, the Greens in the European Parliament were the first to call for an inquiry committee to make sure we could properly investigate the revelations.
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News |

Protection of whistleblowers

Whistle-blowers play an essential role in our democracies and the EU has the duty to protect those who take risk to disclose information in the public interest.
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Video |

Protection of whistle-blowers

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Video |

Protection of whistle-blowers

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News |

A step forward on money-laundering, but Commission needs to be bolder

After the Panama Paper revelations, the European Commission needs to show it is ready to take strong action on tax evasion and avoidance. Their newly published anti-money laundering package goes some way towards achieving that. But with up to €1 trillion lost from the real economy each year, they need to be much bolder.