Our parliamentary work

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Publication |

Questionnaire to Mr Günter Verheugen, Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry from 2004 to 2010 - written answers

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News |

Hearings of former EU-Commissioners Günter Verheugen and Antonio Tajani (30 August/5 September)

  Former EU-Commissioners Günter Verheugen and Antonio Tajani will speak at the next EMIS hearings. As Commissioner for industry and entrepreneurship from 2004 to 2010 Günter Verheugen was in charge of the legislation on controversially discussed Regulation (EC) No. 715/2007 on typ...
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Video |

TTIP - Beware what lies beneath

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Video |

The circular economy

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Video |

Why soil matters?

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Video |

Tax justice

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Press release |

Stress test for banks

The European Banking Authority (EBA) will tonight publish the results of the 2016 stress test for banks. The EBA carries out the test to assess whether banks hold enough capital to see them through a further worsening of the banking crisis. The stress test results play a crucial role in possible ban...
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Press release |

EU rules on posted workers

The European Commission today announced it would be proceeding with its proposal to revise EU rules on the posting of workers, overruling opposition from parliaments in 11 member states which had sought to block the plans with a so-called ‘yellow card’. Welcoming the decision, Green social ...
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Press release |

EU climate change policy

The European Commission today presented its proposal on how to share the effort of greenhouse gas reductions between EU member states. The legislation sets out the emissions reductions required by EU member states until 2030 in sectors not covered by the EU’s emissions trading scheme. Commenting o...
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Press release |

Attempted coup in Turkey

Commenting on the attempted coup d’état in Turkey, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated: “We are shocked by the events in Turkey. Although the background to the coup remains unknown, a military coup is clearly incompatible with democratic objectives. We extend our deepest condolences t...