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Média |

José Bové

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Média |

EU financial supervision

EP succeeds in giving financial authorities real teeth, insists authorities given sufficient means The Greens welcomed the adoption of legislation setting up new European financial supervision authorities. The EP succeeded in gaining greater powers for the new authorities but Green MEPs have vowed to fight to ensure they are properly equi…
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Média |

GMO-free Europe

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Média |

Electric and Clean Mobility - Biking is Green

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Média |

Green Jobs - Biking is Green

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Média |

Biking is Green

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Média |

Conclusions of the European Council meeting

Conclusions of the European Council meeting (16 September 2010)
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Média |

Conference of Minimum Income

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Média |


The European Parliament today sent a strong signal of support to Roma communities and a clear message to governments, adopting a resolution demanding an immediate end to the deportations of hundreds of Roma from France to Bulgaria and Romania. (337 in favour, 245 against.51 abstentions). Greens / EFA members campaigned vigorously on this …
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Média |
