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Média |

EU financal transaction tax

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Média |

World day against the death penalty

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Média |

EU action on oil exploration and extraction in Europe

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Média |

Conference on Biological Diversity - Nagoya 2010

Contribution of biodiversity and ecosystems to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals - Conference on Biological Diversity - Nagoya 2010
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Média |


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Média |

Possession of visas when crossing the external borders of Member States

Third Countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders of Member States
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Média |

"No to austerity - Priority on jobs and growth"

The Greens joined with workers from across Europe - as part of the wider European Day of Action - to protest against the austerity measures recently adopted by many European countries and calling for investment in employment creation
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Média |

Biking is Green

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Média |

Biking is Green

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Média |

GMO-free Europe