
Read our position papers, our studies, our statements and policy papers

Position papers include all papers formally adopted by our Group and thus representing our official position on major issues. Policy papers gather all briefings, brochures, statements from working groups or other Group bodies which have not been submitted to a vote but reflect a more technical position on specific topics. Studies are reports commissioned to experts and are accompanied most of the time with our political recommendations. For information and transparency purposes, we also publish here all Group letters sent to the other institutions or representatives

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Renewable sources of energy

RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGYEurope's employment potential in renewable energiesA study commissioned by the European Commission's Directorate for Energy and Transport found that the renewable energy sector employed roughly 1.4 million people in 2005 (direct and indirect jobs) in Europe. Achieving the ...
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Wind power

WIND POWERJobs in wind energy in EuropeThe European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) estimates that there were 108,600 jobs directly related to wind energy in the EU-27 in 2007. Wind energy also generates indirect jobs, for example suppliers of raw materials. EWEA estimates the total number of wind en...
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Photovoltaic power

SOLAR POWERThe development and use of solar power has significant potential in the context of a Green New Deal. It can offer important social benefits in terms of job creation.Photovoltaic powerSolar Generation V - a joint study by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and Greenpeace...
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Green projects

GREEN PROJECTSA selection of green projects in EU Member statesThe Green New Deal is not just wishful thinking. The green industry today employs hundreds of thousands of people and offers huge job creation potential for the future.Here is a selection of active projects in several countries.AUSTRIAWi...
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The Greens' Book

Greens present an overview of their activities in the European Parliament and highlight their achievements during the legislative period while presenting what they want for the new Parliament.
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Green Global Europe

We now urgently need to replace the goal of global competition with one of global co-operation, and to investigate how best to adapt our economic models in order to seriously address climate change and environmental degradation, as well as the need for a more equitable balancing of poor and rich.
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Food and Democracy

Important decisions on authorizations of GMOs, the autonomy of member states and the creation of GMO-free zones are to be taken in the coming months. The conference is committed to finding long-term solutions to ensure GMO-free food and animal feed supplies for Europe.
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Humanitarian situation of Camp Ashraf residents

The Greens/EFA Group calls on the Iraqi authorities to protect the lives and the physical and mental integrity of the Camp Ashraf residents. They express grave concern over the reported practices of mental and physical manipulation and severe human rights violations and call on the Iraqi authorities to protect the lives and the physical a…
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Special Court for Sierra Leone

The Greens/EFA Group welcomes the progress made by international courts and tribunals in bringing to trial those responsible for atrocities committed and believes that these trials send a clear message to leaders around the world and other war criminals that egregious human rights abuses will no longer be tolerated with impunity.
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4th Green Local Councillor Congress

Pictures Sunday 19th April...