
Read our position papers, our studies, our statements and policy papers

Position papers include all papers formally adopted by our Group and thus representing our official position on major issues. Policy papers gather all briefings, brochures, statements from working groups or other Group bodies which have not been submitted to a vote but reflect a more technical position on specific topics. Studies are reports commissioned to experts and are accompanied most of the time with our political recommendations. For information and transparency purposes, we also publish here all Group letters sent to the other institutions or representatives

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Access to documents

This motion for a resolution is about improvements needed to the legal framework for access to documents following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
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EU subsidies to bluefin tuna fishing fleets

In response to a written request from Raül Romeva, the European Commission has revealed the EU has paid out millions in subsidies to bluefin tuna fishing fleets, ins pite of the increasingly endangered situationof the species.
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EFA logo
EFA logo
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An introduction to the EFA Group in the European Parliament

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e-fa: Strasbourg Round-Up November 2009

The European Free Alliance (EFA) draws together political parties fighting for democracy and self-determination for the stateless nations and regions of Europe. European Free Alliance MEPs sit in a joint European parliamentary group with the Greens, making up the fourth largest group in parliament.E...
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The rights of minorities in China and the use of death penalty

Tabled by Heidi Hautala, Barbara Lochbihler, Eva Lichtenberger, Helga Trüpel, Daniel Cohn-Benditon behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, having regard to its previous resolutions on China and, in particular, to the one of 3 December 2007 on the EU-China Summit and the EU/China hum...
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World Summit of FAO on Food Security - eradicate hunger from earth

Greens/EFA consider that Considers that a genuine fight against hunger requires the establishment of comprehensive policies which enhance sustainable farming and food supply systems. They also emphasize the need for a new common effort to combine the fight against hunger with the necessary efforts to mitigate climate gas emissions as well…
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Political solution for piracy in Somalia

Tabled by Reinhard Buetikofer, Franziska Brantner and Raül Romeva on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group in the EP The European Parliament, – having regard to its previous resolutions on Somalia and NAVFOR – having regard to Rule 122 of its Rules of Procedure, Whereas the instability of Somalia, which...
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Preparation of the EU-Russia Summit in Stockholm of 18 November 2009

Greens/EFA stress once more that democracy and human rights must be at the core of any future agreement with the Russian Federation, with regard, in particular, to the definition and inclusion of an effective and operational human rights clause.
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Pictures of the ice sculpture action

Download high resolutionDownload high resolutionDownload high resolutionDownload high resolution...
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Greens/EFA strongly condemn the excessive force, arbitrary arrests and alleged torture in the repression of protests over the disputed Iranian presidential elections. They reaffirm their absolute opposition to the use of the death penalty and deplore the systematic restriction of the freedom of information.