

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Publication |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA Group hold a major conference to assess the sustainability of the EU 2020 Strategy against calls for a Green New Deal. This is one of several Greens/EFA events and priorities during the week.
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Press release |

Illegal timber

European Parliament rapporteur Caroline Lucas has issued a critical response to Council's decision to water down proposed legislation against the trade in illegal timber and timber products.
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Press release |

CFP reform

With the EU's Common Fisheries Policy due for its first fundamental reform in almost a decade, the European Parliament plenary today adopted a report that effectively sets out the institution's position on the failings of the current CFP and how it must be improved if it to lead to sustainable fisheries.
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Press release |

Energy infrastructure

MEPs in the EU Parliament plenary voted today on Member States' responsibilities to notify the Commission on energy infrastructure projects. Parliament insisted on its co-decision rights with Council under the terms of the Lisbon Treaty and demanded several transparency measures, falling short, howe...
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Press release |

Call for protection of Scotland's historical fishing rights

PARLIAMENT VOTE MUST NOT JEOPORDISE SCOTTISH WATERSSNP President Ian Hudghton MEP has today (Thursday) called for Scotland's coastal communities to unite in an effort to protect their historical fishing rights. The call came after a vote in the European Parliament opened the way for a review of the ...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

e-fa News Round-Up February 2010

The European Free Alliance (EFA) draws together political parties fighting for democracy and self-determination for the stateless nations and regions of Europe. European Free Alliance MEPs sit in a joint European parliamentary group with the Greens, making up the fourth largest group in parliament.E...
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Press release |

Basque Friendship Group in the European Parliament

The Basque Friendship Group in the European Parliament was first set up during the 2004-2009 parliamentary term by MEPs from various political groups who wished to support the peace process in the Basque Country. At a press conference at the European Parliament in Brussels this morning MEP...
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Event |

Greens' action on paternity leave

Green MEPs, parents and their children gathered before a crucial vote by the EU Parliament committee on women's rights and gender equality on 23 February 2010. The committee voted in favour of two weeks fully paid leave for fathers, as well as an increase to 20 weeks fully paid maternity leave.
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Press release |

Parental leave

A majority of MEPs in the European Parliament committee for women's rights and gender equality have voted in favour of a legislative report that sets a minimum threshold of fully paid maternity leave of 20 weeks, with additional paternity leave (also at full pay) of at least 2 weeks.
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Press release |

Bluefin tuna

European Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki and Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik today announced European Commission support for Appendix 1 listing of bluefin tuna in CITES (1), albeit with a delay and under certain conditions. The joint statement of the new Commissioners marks an end to t...