

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Bluefin tuna

Under the conomic pressures of the fishing industry and the Japanese sushi market, a majority at the CITES conference today rejected a ban in the international trade of the species.
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Press release |

Energy security

The EP Industry and Energy committee today voted on a report from Spanish MEP Vidal Quadras on a new regulation to enhance security of gas supply in the EU. This regulation comes as a response to the lack of coordination between EU Member States during the last Ukraine-Russia disputes on gas transit...
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Press release |

EU Ombudsman says Scotland 'under-represented' in Europe

SNP President Ian Hudghton MEP has welcomed comments from the official EU Ombudsman who described Scotland's 'under-representation' in Europe.Mr Hudghton said that the comments by the Ombudsman in an interview published in today's (Thursday) Scotsman newspaper showed that the need for greater Scotti...
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Press release |

Food labelling

The EU Parliament 'ENVI' committee has adopted a report that includes several improvements on information to consumers. MEPs stopped short of approving a 'traffic light' system that would provide consumer-friendly indications on salt, sugar, fat and calorie content.
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Press release |

Environment and climate

The EU can and should increase its emissions reductions target, according to a new study by CE Delft, commiissioned by the Greens/EFA Group. Green MEPs are calling for the EU to immediately adopt a 30% domestic reductions target by 2020.
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Press release |


Sven Giegold, Greens/EFA coordinator in the Economic and Monetary Affairs committee and parliament's rapporteur for the state of the Eurozone, has supported critical comments made on Germany's economic policy by Christine Lagarde to the Financial Times. He commented:"Christine Lagarde is right. A co...
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Press release |

Reding urged to stand firm on language rights

New European Commissioner for Justice and Fundamental Rights Viviane Reding has been urged by MEPs to resist pressure from certain member states and continue providing information in non-official EU languages.The row erupted after it was revealed that Russian language factsheets concerning the resul...
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Video |

Green New Deal

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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

e-fa News Round-Up March 2010

The European Free Alliance (EFA) draws together political parties fighting for democracy and self-determination for the stateless nations and regions of Europe. European Free Alliance MEPs sit in a joint European parliamentary group with the Greens, making up the fourth largest group in parliament.E...
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Press release |

Russia-Georgia media freedom debate and film screening

Debate on censorship: Eutelsat's refusal to broadcast TV channel Pervyi KavkazskyiFilm screening: 'Russian lessons', a documentary on the Georgia-Russia conflict of 200818.30-21.00, 17 March 2010Room ASP 1 G 2, European Parliament, BrusselsCo-organisers: Greens/EFA and Reporters sans frontièresWith...