

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

EU electoral law: EU Parliament calls for European electoral lists

In the vote, a majority of Members of the European Parliament called on EU Member States to introduce transnational lists for the 2024 European elections. Likewise, a majority of MEPs endorsed the Greens/EFA call for lowering the voting age to 16 and to have gender-balanced lists. The European Parliament's proposal gives all voters two vo…
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Press release |

Reform of the EU electoral law: Big wins to strengthen Europe’s democracy

The Greens/EFA group brought to the plenary several proposals to make universal suffrage a fairer process. The report adopted today by the parliament on the reform of the European electoral law incorporates provisions on what in legal terms is already known as the 'Junqueras doctrine'.
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Policy Paper |

Review of the 15-point action plan

The Greens consider that an overhauled trade policy with a review of the TSD chapters at its core should combine rather than juxtapose the goal of optimizing market opportunities with scaling up sustainability practices across the board in conformity with the Sustainable Development Goals.
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goliath video thumbnail
Video |

Emmanuelle Bercot, Frédéric Tellier & Benoît Biteau on "Goliath" film

After the huge success of the film "Goliath", director Frédéric Tellier and actress Emmanuelle Bercot talk to MEP and farmer Benoît Biteau at a screening in Brussels.
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European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

Plenary Flash - 2-5 May 2022

On the agenda for the plenary session: the impact of the war against Ukraine on women, the use of the Pegasus Software by EU Member States against individuals including MEPs and the violation of fundamental rights, the final report by Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age/AIDA, 2020 discharge reports, electoral law…
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Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash
Press release |

Rule of law: Commission triggering of conditionality mechanism against Hungarian government long overdue

The European Commission has announced it has formally notified the Hungarian government that it is triggering the Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism for breaches of the rule of law. The Commission had announced it would trigger the mechanism in early April. The Greens/EFA have long been calling for the Commission to trigger the mechanis…
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Photo by Bank Phrom on Unsplash
Newspapers printing
Press release |

SLAPPs: Commission proposal tackles strategic litigation but lacks ambition

The European Commission presented its Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs) Package*. The Greens/EFA Group welcomes the Commission's proposal as a significant step in the right direction especially by extending the personal scope, not only to journalists but also fundamental rights and environmental defenders, as victim…
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Press release |

Access to information: Five Greens/EFA MEPs launch legal action on vaccine contract transparency

Greens/EFA MEPs Margrete Auken, Kim van Sparrentak, Tilly Metz, Jutta Paulus, and Michele Rivasi submitted an application to the European Court of Justice against the European Commission, requesting access to key information on the Commission’s contracts with pharmaceutical companies on the purchase agreements of COVID-19 vaccines. This c…
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Press release |

Digital Services Act final trilogue

The negotiations on the Digital Services Act are entering the final round. The final trilogue is scheduled for today (Friday, 22 April).
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Policy Paper |

Inflation: the high price to pay for Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels

In the run-up to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, rising prices in the euro area were catalyzing a great amount of political attention. Inflation peaked to 5.1% in January and 5.9% in February, putting the European Central Bank (ECB) under the spotlight. Hawkish voices in the political arena, despite being the minority, got progressively loud…